cinema |
adaptar |
English thesaurus |
abbr., med. |
adaptability |
abbr. |
Accepting Differences About People Together; Automatic Density Analysis Profile Technique; adaptation; Architecture Design, Analysis, and Planning Tool |
abbr., auto. |
adaptionadaptation; adapter; adaption |
abbr., automat. |
automated data analysis using pattern recognition techniques (автоматизированный анализ данных с использованием методов распознавания образов; сокр. Углов) |
abbr., el. |
abstract design and programming translator |
abbr., med. |
Association For Drug And Alcohol Prevention And Treatment; Alcohol And Drug Abuse Prevention Training; Alcohol & Drug Addiction Professionals Training (peuplier_8) |
abbr., mil., avia. |
adaptability |
abbr., scottish |
Adaptive Diagnostic Approach to Performance Testing |
mil. |
adaptation of automated program tools; analog digital automatic program tester; automated data acquisition and processing technology; automated data analysis and presentation techniques; Automated Decisionmaking and Program Timeline |
tech. |
analog-digital automatic program tester |
abbr., el. |
adaptive digital access protocol |
abbr. |
adaption of automated programmed tools |
abbr., avia. |
analogy digital automatic program tester; ATS data acquisition processing and transmission |
abbr., earth.sc. |
adaptable |
abbr., oil |
analog digital automatic programmable tester; automated data analysis using pattern recognition technique |
abbr., space |
AVCO data analysis and prediction techniques |