gen. |
1. с.х. отборен |
English thesaurus |
abbr., auto. |
advance advanced; after market; attribute; audio |
abbr., econ. |
time zone A |
abbr., scient. |
absent; accepted; acting; adult; afternoon; alto; amateur; anterior |
abbr., scient. |
A positive |
abbr. |
Absurd; air course (Vosoni); ammeter (Vosoni); academician; acoustics (Vosoni); acre; Act; Actor; aerial (Vosoni); aeronautics; Aftermath; afternoon; Agree (in surveys Fesenko); airport; All; amateur; amber; Ambient; Americas; Animals; annual; annually; anode (Vosoni); answer; Ant; antarctic air; Anteater; Ape; Apple; April; Apron; arbitrary constant; arbitrary dimension; Archived; Archives; Arctic; Army; Art; Artemis; ash; ash content; Associate; astragal; atomic mass number; atto-; Australian; Autos; Helmholtz function; mass number; stack cross-sectional area; surface area; Agar; Angstroem; angstrom; actual weight; Admiralty; aeronautical; Alaska; Alberta; aluminium oxide (regular abrasive); ammunition; Angström (unit); antarctic air (mass); Antigua; armoured; arrest critical point; aspect ratio; Atlantic (Ocean); aviator; azimuthal; international Angström |
abbr., agric. |
alcohol; analysis; automatic |
abbr., agrochem. |
acid; air; atomic weight |
abbr., auto. |
amperes; angular acceleration; attenuation coefficient; Audi Approved Automobile |
abbr., automat. |
addendum |
abbr., avia. |
aircraft; airborne; attack; attendant seat; attacker |
abbr., biochem. |
alanine (аланин Dimpassy) |
abbr., biol. |
adenine |
abbr., BrE |
A-branch; apprentice |
abbr., bridge. |
Ace |
abbr., busin. |
August; Australia; Austria |
abbr., cartogr. |
America; American; arch bridge; Argyllshire; arroyo |
abbr., commer. |
first class; first grade |
abbr., construct. |
area of cross section |
abbr., dril. |
annular preventer |
abbr., earth.sc. |
absolute pressure; actinote; actinolite; actinomycete; Aftonian; allanite; altered; amphibole; amphibolite; analcite; andesine; andesite; andradite; Angola; anisotrope; anthophyllite; antiferromagnetic; antigorite; antiperthite; aqua; archaeophytic; ascension; atlas; free energy; grade A; maximum work |
abbr., EBRD |
upper medium grade |
abbr., econ. |
Australian dollar (Seregaboss) |
abbr., el. |
adder; altimeter; animator; asynchronous; atomic; autonomous; angstrom unit |
abbr., electr.eng. |
amplification; amplifier; armature |
abbr., expl. |
absolute alcohol |
abbr., file.ext. |
ADA Program |
abbr., fin. |
Annuity (LyuFi); Asset (LyuFi); auction |
abbr., footwear |
anti-static (специальное обозначение Yuriy83) |
abbr., gram. |
adjective |
abbr., IT |
accumulator; amplitude |
abbr., lab.eq. |
Albino guinea pig |
abbr., Makarov. |
abbr., math. |
axial vector |
abbr., med. |
Allergologist; Allergy; Abnormal; Abortion; Absolute Temperature; Absorbance; Acceptor; Accommodation; Acetone; Acetum; Achondroplasia; Acid; Acidophil; Acidophilic; Acromion; Acidity; Albumin; Alpha (cell); alveolar gas (SUBSCRIPT); Ambulation; Ampere; Amphetamine; Ampicillin; Amplitude; Anaphylaxis; Androsterone; Arterial Blood; Artery (Lat. Arteria); Asymptomatic, No Symptoms (e.g. In Proteinuria); Blood Group A; Total Acidity; Tumor Limited To The Bowel (Dukes Classification); Tumor Limited To The Mucosa (Astler-Coller Classification); peak left ventricular filling velocity at atrial contraction (пиковая скорость позднего наполнения левого желудочка (при сокращении предсердий) Dimpassy); Ankle Jerk/Reflex; Assessment (Ying); adenosine (or adenylic acid); Ala |
abbr., met. |
conventional anneal |
abbr., mil. |
Adjutant-General's Branch (отдел генерал-адъютантской службы); Alaskan Standard Time (поясное время на Аляске); arrow; analog; firing angle |
abbr., mining. |
A one; air course; ammeter; ampere; argon |
abbr., O&G, sakh. |
Amp |
abbr., oil |
alloyed; apparent; atmospheric air; Avogadro's number; current electrode; electrochemical activity; formation water activity; Stiles mobility ratio; abbreviation; abeam; absorbancy; absorption; abstract; accelerator; acicular; acres; activator; adamantane; adamellite; additive; agent; aids; air line; alarm; alkali; alkalinity; alunite; amorphous; amperes; amperemeter; anchor; and (function); angular; anhydrite; aniline; anisotropic; anisotropy; aphanitic; aplite; approved; Arabia; Arabian; aragonite; arc; arch; Archaeozoic; area; arithmetic; arm; aromatic oil; arrest point; asphalt; association; asymmetric; Atlantic; atmosphere; atoleine; atoll; attenuation; average; axis |
abbr., phys. |
magnetic vector potential; specific rotation; strong absorption band in deep red the first of the Fraunhofer lines of the solar spectrum |
abbr., physiol. |
Adenine; Alveolization |
abbr., polit. |
Asia |
abbr., qual.cont. |
NOVA analysis of variance |
abbr., scottish |
ampere (electric current); Alfa (phonetic alphabet); Time zone 7.5 E-22.5 E (GMT -1) |
abbr., tech. |
Angstrom; search area; desired search area |
abbr., telecom. |
availability |
energ.ind., abbr. |
accumulator; amplitude; arbitrary constant; arbitrary dimension; ash; atomic mass number; atto-; mass number; stack cross-sectional area; surface area |
gas.proc., abbr. |
ash content |
law |
acting |
meteorol., abbr. |
afternoon; altitude difference; amber; analysis; annual; antarctic air |
mil. |
academy; acceleration; accommodation; accountant; ace; acquittance; action; active; activity; actual; adjutant; administration; admiral; adopted; advance; advanced; aerospace; agency; airman; alert; allied; alternate; ambulance; amphibian; amphibious; armament; armored; artificer; artillery; assistant; atomic; automobile; auxiliary; aviation; azimuth |
mil., agrochem. |
air |
mil., avia. |
aircraft |
O&G |
analogue |
pipes., abbr. |
area of cross section |
tech. |
assembly; absent; absolute temperature; accommodation coefficient; acquisition; address constant; alloy; alteration; altitude; altitude difference; analog signal; anhydrous; antenna; aqueous; argentum; aromatic; asbestos; automated; refracting angle of prism; silver; width of slit |
gen. |
but (sankozh) |
abbr. |
absorption coefficient; ampere; crack size; heavy toward long wavelength; mg augmentation; critical velocity; thermal diffusivity |
abbr., avia. |
slope of lift curve |
abbr., busin. |
abandon; above; abstracts; acceptance; account; acreage; add; additional; address; adjusted; advice; after; airplane; air-taxi; aluminum oxide; ambassador; among; analyzer; annealed; annus; anonymous; anthracite; argent; arrive; arrival; article; assessed; assorted; assured; at (unit price); athletic; atomic bomb; attention; attorney; auditor; axiom |
abbr., chem. |
relative activity |
abbr., desert. |
are |
abbr., earth.sc. |
acetate; alaskite; albite; andalusite; artificial deposit; augite |
abbr., econ. |
anna |
abbr., el. |
axial |
abbr., genet. |
superhelix density |
abbr., med. |
artery; before; specific absorption (coefficient; USUALLY ITALIC); total acidity; systemic arterial (blood; SUBSCRIPT) |
abbr., oil |
acoustic velocity; ares; attached; attenuation constant; atto; audit |
abbr., phys. |
capillary constant; sound velocity |
abbr., tech. |
ar; antenne; artilleri |
agric. |
afternoon; annual |
biol. |
abundant; adult; age; aged; asymmetrical |
cartogr. |
acres |
inf. |
I (шотл. bellb1rd) |
med. |
arterial (Vosoni) |
O&G |
about; acoustic; annum; areal; atmospheric; atom; formation factor coefficient; tortuosity; year |
opt. |
atto- |
qual.cont. |
able; absolute; accepted; available |
abbr. |
abundant; article; Atlantic Reporter; acid; active; advance; advanced; annual; anthracite; are |
abbr., dril. |
ampere |
abbr., earth.sc. |
about; absorption; absorption coefficient; acceleration; acceptance; activity; arroyo |
abbr., fin. |
auction |
abbr., math. |
arc |
construct. |
arch; area; axial |
mining. |
actual; annus; azimuth |
polym. |
amorphous |
abbr. |
amperemeter; answer; atomic; British Waterworks Association |
abbr., dril. |
Archaeozoic |
abbr., earth.sc. |
absolute; academy; air course; America; ammeter; anode; auxiliary |
abbr., econ. |
anna |
abbr., lat. |
Aulus (a common Roman forename) |
abbr., Makarov. |
admiral |
abbr., met. |
annealed |
abbr., mining. |
acre; aircourse |
abbr., radio |
antenna |
invest. |
abstract |
law |
anonymous; association |
met. |
annealed in box |
med. |
right lateral acceleration |
abbr., anim.husb. |
absolute temperature |
med. |
forward acceleration |
abbr., avia. |
aberration; ablation; ablator; absorbent; absorber; absorptivity; accelerometer; access; accident; accommodate; accuracy; actinism; activation; actuation; actuator; added; adhesion; adhesive; adjustment; aeroacoustics; aeroballistics; aerodrome; aerodynamics; aerodyne; aeroelasticity; aeroelastics; aeroengine; aerofoil; aerohydroplane; aerojet; aerolog; aerology; aeromap; aeromotor; aeronaut; aerophotography; aeroplane; aeroplanist; aeropolitics; aerostatics; afterburner; agility; aging; aileron; airlock; airmada; airmail; airship; airspeed; airworthiness; albedo; alerting area; almanac; alternating; annealing; anodic; aperture; apogee; approach; arming; arrange; array; assemble; asteroid; astigmatism; attitude; augmentation; authorities; autogiro; autoloading; autopilot; avionics |
abbr., chem. |
adenosin; antih emophilic factor; antiha emophilic factor |
abbr., meteorol. |
A cell; alpha cell; Acinetobacter; Actinomyces; adenosine acid; adjuvant; allogen; anesthesia; anesthetist; androstenedione; Aspergillus; attendance; start of anesthesia |
abbr. |
haploid set of autosome |
abbr., med. |
total; acute; airway; alveolar; anterior; anxiety; appearance; asymmetrical; asymptomatic; atrium; augmented; non-agouti; venous wave produced by atrial contraction |
abbr., libr. |
alphabetical; author |
abbr. |
A-positive |
abbr., met. |
annealed in box |
abbr., oil |
apparent volumetric photoelectric cross section of rock matrix |
abbr., oil |
A-plus |
abbr., oil |
A-minus; A-negative; abstract number (survey) |
med. |
backward acceleration; footward acceleration |
O&G |
apparent volumetric photoelectric cross section of rock matrix |
abbr. |
huh? (когда что-то не расслышал 4uzhoj) |
abbr. |
Australian Dollars (DoctorD) |
abbr. |
Australian dollar; Australian dollars |
abbr., chem. |
ana-position |
abbr., econ. |
Australian Dollar |
abbr., el. |
3-dB one way azimuth beamwidth |
abbr., lab.eq. |
amyloid-β |
abbr., libr. |
Bachelor of Arts |
abbr., life.sc. |
β-amyloid peptide |
abbr., med. |
The Dark-staining Zone Of A Striated Muscle |
abbr., tech. |
rendement (mariv) |
med. |
abnormal labor (sankozh) |
med. |
headward acceleration |
a Colombia social securty equivalent [eɪ] abbr. | |
abbr. |
cc (Alex Lilo) |
abbr. |
ugh (Побеdа) |
abbr. |
absolute temperature |
abbr. |
microampere |
abbr., econ. |
Peso Argentina |
abbr., el. |
ultraviolet absorption |
abbr., fin. |
Total Quality Control |
abbr., med. |
Asplenia Syndrome |
abbr., plast. |
alternating current |
med. |
left lateral acceleration |
O&G |
autocorrelation function |