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[поклон, нос - baʊ, остальное - bəʊ] n
O&G, casp. burun (gəminin, qayığın zaur.karimli)
 English thesaurus
bow [bau] abbr.
abbr. born out of wedlock
BOW [bau] abbr.
abbr., med. bag of water
BOW [bau] abbr.
abbr. Bharat On Wheels
abbr., avia. Bartow, Florida USA; Basic Operating Weight (Empty weight typically equipped + unusable fuel and trapped liquids + 2 pilots (400 lbs.) + supplies. Interex); break off weight (Interex)
abbr., busin. breach of warranty
abbr., el. block of words
abbr., IT Bibliography On The Web
abbr., law Battle Of Wills
abbr., mil. Bio Organic Weapon
abbr., physiol., med. Bag Of Waters; Basic Operational Weight
abbr., progr., IT Bag Of Words; Bsd On Windows
abbr., st.exch. Bowater, Inc.
mil. base ordnance workshop; blackout window
tech. backward-wave oscillator

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