comp., MS |
պատճեն (A directive to an e-mail program to send a complete copy of a given piece of mail to another individual. The use of cc mail addressing, as opposed to directly addressing the mail to a person, generally implies that the recipient is not required to take any action; the message is for informational purposes only. In a cc directive, the fact that this recipient received the mail is printed in the mail header and is thus known to all other recipients) |
English thesaurus |
gen. |
closed caption; circular curve (Yakov) |
abbr. |
centro comercial (spanish Alex Lilo); concentrate and continue; C.C. Sabathia (baseball player Alex Lilo); cable channel (Alex Lilo); cable corder (machines used in testile and tire cord industry Alex Lilo); calculated cost (pension benefit calculations Alex Lilo); Call Connected (ITU-T Rec I 451 Alex Lilo); Calthorpe Clinic (Edgbaston, Birmingham Alex Lilo); Canadian Club (whiskey Alex Lilo); Canarian Coalition (Spain Alex Lilo); Cannibal Corpse (band Alex Lilo); Cannon Companion (Shadowrun Sourcebook Alex Lilo); Canterbury College (Gold Coast, Australia Alex Lilo); Capsule Corporation (Dragon Ball Alex Lilo); carabinieri (italian military police Alex Lilo); carbon copy; carl czerny (classical composer Alex Lilo); Carlton Cole (soccer player Alex Lilo); Carnivorous Carnival (Lemony Snicket Alex Lilo); carrier control (modem information Alex Lilo); Carroll College (Waukesha, Wisconsin Alex Lilo); Carson City, Nevada (mint mark on some old silver dollars Alex Lilo); Catholic Central High School (Redford, MI Alex Lilo); Causa Cognita (Latin: Known Cause; Codices and Manuscripts Alex Lilo); centicoulomb (electrical unit Alex Lilo); central controller (cisco wireless Alex Lilo); Cesar Chavez (union activist Alex Lilo); Chaco (Argentina Province, airline code Alex Lilo); Chain Carrier (surveying Alex Lilo); Challenger Commission (America's Cup Alex Lilo); Change Channel (Maple Story Alex Lilo); Chaos Castle (gaming Alex Lilo); character code (itu-t Alex Lilo); Cheat City (gaming website Alex Lilo); Cheech and Chong (comedy duo Alex Lilo); Cheshire Cat (Blink 182 album Alex Lilo); Chet Chad (radio stations, British Columbia Alex Lilo); Chevy Chase (Maryland Alex Lilo); Chrono Cross (распространенное сокращенное название видео-игры Alex Lilo); Chrono Crusade (anime Alex Lilo); Circuit Client (digital networks Alex Lilo); cirrocumulus (об облачности Leonid Dzhepko); cite check (ing Alex Lilo); City Confidential (TV show Alex Lilo); Clan Chat (Runescape gaming Alex Lilo); Clark College (Vancouver, WA Alex Lilo); class commander (US military Alex Lilo); Clifford Chance LLP (UK law firm Alex Lilo); Clock Crew (Flash artists group Alex Lilo); Clone Commander (Star Wars Alex Lilo); Closed Corporation (South Africa Alex Lilo); Clow Card (Japanese Animé Alex Lilo); ClubCappo (Cappuccino Owners Club Alex Lilo); Coal Chamber (rock band Alex Lilo); code civil (french: civil code Alex Lilo); codice civile (italian: civil code Alex Lilo); cold cathode (UV emitting tubes Alex Lilo); color code (sprint Alex Lilo); Colorado College (Colorado Springs, CO Alex Lilo); Colorado Crush (AFL team Alex Lilo); Columbia College (part of Columbia University, New York Alex Lilo); Columbus Circle (New York City Alex Lilo); Columbus Crew (Columbus, Ohio major league soccer team Alex Lilo); Combatant Craft Crewmember Qualified (USN Alex Lilo); Comedy Central (название юмористического канала кабельного ТВ Alex Lilo); Command & Conquer (video game Alex Lilo); command caller (phone notification system Alex Lilo); Commander's Call (PHS-1 DMAT monthly meeting Alex Lilo); commercial (top-level domain introduced in 2000 Alex Lilo); Compassionate Conservatism (George W. Bush campaign Alex Lilo); Competent Communicator (Toastmasters Alex Lilo); Complications or Comorbidities (diagnosis related group descriptions Alex Lilo); component command (US DoD; NATO Alex Lilo); composite clock (SONET Alex Lilo); Computacenter (European IT services company Alex Lilo); computer crime (insurance Alex Lilo); Computers and Composition (an International Journal Alex Lilo); Conclave (online gaming community Alex Lilo); Concrete Curb (public works Alex Lilo); concurrent copy (disk storage management Alex Lilo); Conformation Certificate (UK dog shows Alex Lilo); Congestion Controlled (IPV6 Alex Lilo); Connecticut College (New London, CT Alex Lilo); Conseil des Communes (French: Council of European Municipalities Alex Lilo); constant curve (bending of windsurfing masts Alex Lilo); Constantly Consecrating (gaming, World of Warcraft Alex Lilo); Construction Confederation (London, UK Alex Lilo); contaminant category (land disposal restrictions Alex Lilo); Continental Counsellors (Institution of the Baha'i Faith Alex Lilo); Continuity Cell (ATMF Alex Lilo); Continuity-Check (ITU-T Alex Lilo); Continuous Commissioning (Texas Engineering Experiment Station Alex Lilo); conto corrente (italian: bank deposit Alex Lilo); coordinator council (Maquis Forces International Alex Lilo); Corner Card (philately Alex Lilo); Cornwall College (UK Alex Lilo); corrente continua (Spanish: direct current Alex Lilo); Corte de Constitucionalidad (Guatemala Central America Alex Lilo); Coupe Cabriolet (Peugeot 206 CC model Alex Lilo); courtesy copy (email; for those who never used carbon paper Alex Lilo); Covenant Christian (High School Alex Lilo); cow and calf (animal husbandry Alex Lilo); Creative Counseling (psychotherapy Alex Lilo); creatures community (game series Alex Lilo); crew certified (NASA Alex Lilo); crew currency (USCG Alex Lilo); Crimson Chin (Fairly Odd Parents TV show Alex Lilo); Cris Carter (NFL player Alex Lilo); critical characteristic (automotive Alex Lilo); Cross-Class (Dungeons & Dragons gaming Alex Lilo); Crystal Cathedral (Robert Schuller Center Alex Lilo); Cum Correctione (Latin: With Correction; ophthalmology Alex Lilo); curb cock (construction Alex Lilo); Curtice Cubic (MESFET model Alex Lilo); Cyber Chat (RPG chat server Alex Lilo); a (Colombia social securty equivalent Alex Lilo); Cum Cibo with food; chief commissioner; civil commotions; co-ordinating committee; complimentary copy; consumable code; coordinating committee; Cybercity (принятое сокращение датского интернет-провайдера Alex Lilo); digo civil (civil code Alex Lilo); n Comparativa (Spanish grammar Alex Lilo) |
abbr., anim.husb. |
cellular contents |
abbr., auto. |
centimeter |
abbr., earth.sc. |
chemical cracking; clearcut; concave; concentration; contents |
abbr., med. |
cubic centimeter |
abbr., oil |
continuation clause; cubic centimeter |
abbr., tech. |
close circuit |
abbr., therm.eng. |
cross compound |
automat. |
cotton-covered |
cartogr. |
chronometer correction |
comp., MS |
Cc (A directive to an e-mail program to send a complete copy of a given piece of mail to another individual. The use of cc mail addressing, as opposed to directly addressing the mail to a person, generally implies that the recipient is not required to take any action; the message is for informational purposes only. In a cc directive, the fact that this recipient received the mail is printed in the mail header and is thus known to all other recipients); CC (A directive to an e-mail program to send a complete copy of a given piece of mail to another individual. The use of cc mail addressing, as opposed to directly addressing the mail to a person, generally implies that the recipient is not required to take any action; the message is for informational purposes only. In a cc directive, the fact that this recipient received the mail is printed in the mail header and is thus known to all other recipients); cc (A directive to an e-mail program to send a complete copy of a given piece of mail to another individual. The use of cc mail addressing, as opposed to directly addressing the mail to a person, generally implies that the recipient is not required to take any action; the message is for informational purposes only. In a cc directive, the fact that this recipient received the mail is printed in the mail header and is thus known to all other recipients) |
carbon copies |
IT |
calculator |
mining. |
cubic contents |
O&G |
copies circulated (andrushin) |
opt. |
cubic centimeters |
phys. |
closed cup (igisheva) |
polym. |
concave |
tech. |
contamination control (Yakov) |
UK |
critical comment (e.g. when sharing a photograph with an online community: "cc's appreciated", "cc please" Aiduza); critical comments (Aiduza) |
abbr. |
chapters; centuries (64$?) |
abbr., bus.styl. |
cubic centimeters |
abbr., earth.sc. |
centuries |
abbr., econ. |
cubic centimetre |
abbr., tech. |
cubic centimetres |
econ. |
copies (Seregaboss) |
insur. |
Cubic capacity in feet |
abbr., med. |
chief complaint |
⇒ conference call |
| |
gen. |
circular curve (Yakov) |
abbr. |
counter-clockwise; Common Criteria; Computer Concepts (Company); Continuity Cell (ATM); credit card (Булавина); city council; city councillor; civil court; county council; county court; consumer complaint (претензия потребителя Baldrian); Chief Constable; channel controller; compiler compiler; conference call; courtesy copy; command center (Taras); Cabot Corp.; chemical composition; Chrysler Corp.; collecting centre; colon classification; communications centre; computer consulting; computing centre; two core concentric cable; conducting channel black; Conductron Corp.; cotton-covered |
abbr., adv. |
commercial continuity; controlled circulation |
abbr., agric. |
contemporary comparison |
abbr., alum. |
counter-current |
abbr., amer. |
cashier's check |
abbr., auto. |
catalytic converter; climate control; cruise control; carbon canister; check control (system); Chrysler Corporation; closed center; clutch control; coast clutch; compressor clutch; concept car; converter clutch; coolant controlled; coupe convertible; cross-country; comfort coupe; cursor control |
abbr., automat. |
component connection; computer center |
abbr., avia. |
camera cone; camp chair; canard configuration; category certification; center conductor; chain of command; change channel; character classification; characteristic check; charge contractor; chief controller; circuit closing; circuit control; closed-coupled; color code; combustion case (chamber); command console; communication centre; communication controller; competence center; composite command; computation center; configuration change; configuration comparision; configuration contract; configuration critical; conformity certificate; conformity check; connection center; control charts; control coolant; coordination center; cost center; counter clockwise; countermeasures computer; coupled control; critical component; cross connection; current comparator; category I certification; category II certification; category III certification; category IV certification; cargo compartment (Interex); club class (Interex); communication computer (Interex); compass coupler (Interex); confidence check (Interex); cargo carrier; c-check; centering cam; certified configuration; change category; coastal command; coaxial cable; colour code; control column (stick); cross-channel; cruise control |
abbr., bank. |
current costs (Millie) |
abbr., biol. |
commercial crossbreeding |
abbr., BrE |
Cadet Corps |
abbr., busin. |
calculator; cardon copy; carbon copy to; captain's copy; cancellation clause; centrifugal casting; centuries; Chamber of Commerce; change course; chief clerk; chief constructor; City Council; civil commotion; civil court; coefficient of correlation; collecting commission; color conditioning; collision clause; compass course; comprehensive chemicals; comprehensive coverage; conditional cost; constructing contractor; consular clerk; copies; cotton covered; counter cell; country clearings; cream color; cubic centimetre; cubic contents; cushion craft; customer within country |
abbr., cardiol. |
conducting channel (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., cartogr. |
country club |
abbr., chem. |
capillary chromatography; cholesteryl chloride |
abbr., chess.term. |
correspondence chess (шахматы по переписке taviskaron) |
abbr., chromat. |
calibration curve (bajituka) |
abbr., cinema |
close captioned |
abbr., commer. |
currency cost |
abbr., commun. |
Cross Connect; channel coding |
abbr., comp. |
Carbon Copy - a copy of a message, sent to somebody without adding his address to the list of primary recipients. (Vosoni); command chain; cyclic check |
abbr., comp., net. |
central computer |
abbr., comp., net., IT |
Carbon Copy |
abbr., construct. |
Construction Contractor (elenpolen) |
abbr., crick. |
cricket club |
abbr., crim.law. |
criminal code (igisheva); correctional code (igisheva) |
abbr., cryptogr. |
common criteria |
abbr., cust. |
customs code (igisheva) |
abbr., cyc.sport |
cycling club |
abbr., cycl. |
cross country |
abbr., desert. |
carrying capacity |
abbr., dril. |
cracked circumferentially |
abbr., earth.sc. |
Cadmium Council; calcite; California Current; carbonaceous chondrite; Caribbean Commission; cartographic catalog; centre to centre; chlorite crystallinity; chlorocarbons; Coal Commission; coefficient of community; coefficient of correction; color composite; colour composite; colour compensation; color compensation; computing center; concentration cost; concentric complex; conjugated course algorithm; continental craton; control centre; conversion conductance; copper chromite; copper-constantan; correlation coefficient; counterclockwise; cover coefficient; crop coefficient; crop cover; cyanogen chloride |
abbr., ecol. |
conditional climatology; Commission for Climatology |
abbr., econ. |
customs charges |
abbr., econ., fin. |
cost of capital |
abbr., ed. |
Child Care; Community College (Vosoni) |
abbr., el. |
call canceled; call collision; call connected; call on carry; capacitance-conductance method; capacitance coupling (cell); central console; central controller; ceramic capacitor; channel capacity; channel command; character code; charge carrier; charge code; charge collection; check character; Chinese character; chip carrier; chrominance channel; clock-in-chip; close combat; close-coupled; close coupling; closed captioning; cluster control; coexistence curve; coincident current; color center; color coding; color correction; combinational circuit; command computer; command control; common communicator; communications computer; compact cassette; comparison circuit; compensation capacitor; complex conductivity; compression and coding; computational complexity; confutation center; confuting center; computer communications; conceptual clustering; concurrency control; concurrent concession; conductive channel; conformal coating; connection confirmation; constituent code; continuity check; continuity criterion; conversational computer; convolutional code; coring circuit; country code; coupling coefficient; covert capability; credit card; cross-connect; crystal control; information technology security evaluation common criteria; common-collector (transistor connection); counter control; communication control (ler) |
abbr., el., scient. |
Coiled Coil |
abbr., electr.eng. |
ceramic capacitor; connector circuit; continuity criterion |
abbr., exhib. |
charges collect; freight to collect |
abbr., file.ext. |
C++ language source code file (gcc); CC language source (CC Vosoni); CC language source code file (cc) |
abbr., forex |
currency conversion (igisheva) |
abbr., formal |
central committee (igisheva) |
abbr., genet. |
coefficient of coincidence |
abbr., health., med. |
Carson City |
abbr., hist. |
Channel Command |
abbr., inet. |
C Compiler |
abbr., insur. |
continuation clause |
abbr., IT |
card column; connecting circuit; combination card; combinatorial circuit; command complete; condition code; carriage control; cross correlation; Cable Connector; Customer Care |
abbr., lab.eq. |
Cubic Centimeter |
abbr., mater.sc. |
carbon composite (igisheva) |
abbr., mech.eng. |
cutting cycle |
abbr., med. |
cranio-caudal oblique (кранио-каудальная (прямая) проекция при выполнении маммографии ivanraskum); cardiac cycle; cathodal closure; chest clinic; chief complaint; circuit course; clinical course; comission certified; compound cathartic; consumption coagulopath; cord compression; coronary collaterals; costochondral; creatinine clearance; current complaints; Cardiac Catheterization; Cell Culture; Cronkhite-Canada (syndrome); creatinine clearance (клиренс креатинина Dimpassy) |
abbr., media. |
Common Carrier |
abbr., met. |
charging car (ipesochinskaya); coking chamber (ipesochinskaya); continuously cast; continuous caster; computer console; computer control |
abbr., mil. |
component commander; Central Control; Circulation Control (wing design); control cell (qwarty); critical capability; command center; command control; Chief of Chaplains; Communications Controller; Concentration Camp; Construction Corps; command ship; core capability; conducting composition |
abbr., mol.biol. |
coiled-coil (Игорь_2006) |
abbr., monk. |
Command and Conquer |
abbr., multimed. |
carbon copy/courtesy copy |
abbr., nucl.phys. |
concentrate and confine |
abbr., numism. |
Carson City, Nevada |
abbr., O&G, casp. |
construction compound (Yeldar Azanbayev) |
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. |
spent caustic |
abbr., oil |
casing cemented; cable charge; cake consistency; calcium chloride; calibration chart; calibration coefficient; capacity constrains (case); capital cost; carbon composition; carbon copy; carriage control; carrier current; cash and carry; cash credit; cashier's cheque; casing cage; casing cemented; casing cutter; cast copper; cataclasite; catalyst complex; catalytic cracker; cemented casing; center control; center to center; central control; centrifugal chromatography; centrifugal coating; chalcocite; chalk core; characteristic curve; charge coupled; chemical cutter; chisel compact; choke change; choke coil; chronometer correction; circulate and condition; clay content; close coupled; closed circuit; closed control; closed cup; closing coil; closure-covering; coal and coke; Cocos Keeling Islands; cocurrent; code check; code converter; column chromatography; combinatorial coded; combined carbon; combustion chamber; command and control; common cycle; compensator cap; compiler-compiler; complex chromatography; compression constant; computer center; concentric; concentric cable; concentric casing; condition code; conical compact; connecting circuit; constant current; continuous casting; continuous cooling; continuous current; contra-credit; control center; control check; control circuit; control code; control console; control current; coordinate converter; copper constantan thermocouples; coral colonies; correction coefficient; corrosion cracking; cost control; countercurrent (imbibition); country cheque; coupling condenser; cracked cone; critical condition; cross channel; cross correlation; cross coupling; crushed core; cubic content; currency clause; current cost; cycle check |
abbr., oncol., med. |
Cancer Center |
abbr., ophtalm. |
cum correctore (Баян); with correction (Баян) |
abbr., photo. |
Centre Contact; Colour Compensating |
abbr., physiol. |
germinal center |
abbr., polym. |
combined carbon; conductive channel; cotton cloth |
abbr., product. |
communication (в значении связи с общественностью Eleanor Rigby) |
abbr., qual.cont. |
certification committee (Andrey Truhachev); correction for continuity |
abbr., radio |
common collector |
abbr., railw. |
Carborne Controller |
abbr., scient. |
Correlation Coefficient; cloud chamber |
abbr., scottish |
Charge Crueze (Shaped charge); Cirrocumulus; Civil aircraft marking (Chile); Composite Command (USAF); Corps Consulaire (France) |
abbr., securit. |
cold canvassing |
abbr., shipb. |
battle cruiser; tactical command ship |
abbr., space |
call control; central computer; chrono meter correction; cloud cover; cluster controller; combat command; communication and control; communication center; communication computer; configuration control; control computer; co-ordination center |
abbr., sport. |
Cricket Club; Continental Championship; curling club; Cycling Club |
abbr., tech. |
Call on Carry (Vosoni); cabin cruiser; conditions of class |
abbr., telecom. |
call center; connection confirm |
abbr., textile |
carton copy; cashier's check; Claims Commission; combed cotton; Committee on Commodities; contra credit; cotton card |
abbr., tradem. |
Clear Channel |
abbr., transp. |
Carrying Capacity; car-bome controller |
abbr., UN |
ecol., abbr. |
critical concentration |
invest., abbr. |
cash credit; chamber of commerce; country check |
mil., abbr. |
camp commandant; card code; career control; central control; chief clerk; chief comptroller; chief controller; chief counsel; circuit control; classification of characteristics; code check; code control; collecting center; color code; combat center; combat clothing; combat command; combat commander; combat control; combat correspondent; command coder; command computer; command conference; commercial consumables; communications center; communications central; communications complex; communications console; company commander; compass course; computation center; configuration control; confined to camp; confinement camp; control center; control circuit; control console; copied correctly; corps commander; corrected copy; correlation center; cost contract; counterclockwise; cushion craft; cyanogen chloride; Commander |
O&G |
communications cabinet |
physiol., abbr. |
Caucasian child |
tech., abbr. |
chain command; channel capacity; circuit closing; classified contract; close coupling; clutter cancellation; code converter; coefficient of correlation; coincident current; color contrast; command console; common communicator; common-collector transistor connection; communications chief; communications computer; complex-conjugate; computer calculator; computer complex; cation conductivity; center-to-center; central console; centrifugal charging; computer-controlled; concentric cable; conducting channel; conductive coating; conductivity cell; confidence coefficient; conformal coating; cooling coil; coordinate converter; cost code; counter countermeasures; cross couple; cyclic check |
tradem., abbr. |
Captor |
abbr. |
cirro-cumulus; chalcosine |
abbr., avia. |
cross wind force coefficient |
abbr., oil |
compaction constant |
abbr., telecom. |
carbon copy |
abbr., earth.sc. |
cubic centimeter |
abbr., lat. |
Consules ("consuls") |
abbr., mil. |
Close Combat |
IT |
text/plain |
mil., abbr. |
Close Combat (Heavy) |
mil., abbr. |
Close Combat (Light) |