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['æbstrækt] n
comp., MS التلخيص (A short summary of the contents of a document that gives the reader a quick overview of its topic and purpose)
econ. مستخرج
econ., amer. كشف مساحة
med. مُلَخَّص
work.fl. خلاصة   ؛ملخص   ؛موجز
abstract summary ['æbstrækt] n
law ملخص القضية (خلاصة الدعوى ، مختصر واف للقضية وتطوّراتها حسب واقع سجلها.)
abstract ['æbstrækt] v
gen. مجرد
 English thesaurus
abstract ['æbstrækt] abbr.
abbr., IT abs
abbr., oil abst
invest., abbr. abs.
law summary   ؛A summary of what a court or government agency does. In Traffic, document that is sent to the Department of Motor Vehicles DMV to update driving record
lit. A piece of writing summarized, sometimes at the beginning of an essay. Alternatively the word can refer to language that describes unusual imagery. see also abstract diction, abstract language
: 26 phrases in 7 subjects
International Monetary Fund2
Name of organization1
Work flow4

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