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forestr. مكافِئ الحَمْض
 English thesaurus
abbr. after end   ؛air entraining
abbr., desert. acid equivalent
animat. after end (кормовая оконечность; сокр. Углов)   ؛after end (сокр.; кормовая оконечность Углов)
math. almost everywhere
abbr. analysis and evaluation
abbr., avia. airframe and engine qualified engineer   ؛architecture and engineering   ؛armament and electronics   ؛aircraft and engine   ؛architectural architects and engineering armament and electronics
abbr., law Adolphus and Ellis (сокр.; наименование американского периодического издания по вопросам права Углов)
abbr., Makarov. Accident and Emergency Department
abbr., med. accident and emergency (also known as emergency department ED, emergency room ER, or casualty department WAHinterpreter)   ؛accident and emergency (Elmitera)
abbr., mil., avia. aircraft and engines
abbr., mil., WMD architects and engineers
abbr., oil azimuth and elevation
abbr., police Accident and Emergency
abbr., polym. assembly and equipment   ؛assembly and erection
abbr., textile appropriation and expense
abbr. auxiliary engine (Anewtta)
abbr., account. annual exemption
abbr., avia. activity elements
abbr., commer. Architect/Engineer
abbr., ed. Architect/ Engineer
abbr., mil. ammunition/explosives   ؛angle of elevation
abbr., oil absorptivity/emissivity   ؛architecture and engineering
abbr., scottish Architecture / Engineering
tech. absorptivity-emissivity   ؛architect-engineer
A & E
abbr. aircraft and engines   ؛appropriation and expense   ؛armament and electronics   ؛azimuth and elevation
mil., WMD Audits & Examinations
abbr. Architectural Engineer (инженер-архитектор; сокр. Углов)   ؛assistant engineer
abbr., earth.sc. actual evapotranspiration   ؛angle of elevation
abbr., archit. architect-engineer
abbr., med. above the elbow (amputation)
abbr., post Architect-Engineer services
abbr., BrE Adolphus and Ellis's Queen's Bench Reports, New Series
abbr. Adolphus and Ellis's Queen's Bench Reports
A = E
abbr., econ. Assets= Equities
: 2 phrases in 1 subject

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