med. |
مختصر الأُذُنُ اليُمْنَى |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
air drying ؛avoirdupois |
insur. |
After delivery |
lat. |
Ante Diem ("the day before") |
med. |
right ear (лат. auris dexter) |
polym. |
air density ؛air-dried ؛average depth |
silic. |
air-dry |
textile |
air dry |
abbr. |
alternate days ؛on alternative alternate days (через день Углов) ؛on alternate days |
fin. |
after date (SergeyL) |
mil., navy |
avoirdupois (английская система мер веса (для всех товаров, кроме благородных металлов, драгоценных металлов и аптекарских товаров; 1 фунт a.d. = 453,59 г); сокр. Углов) |
automat. |
analog-to-digital |
abbr. |
Anno Domini (MichaelBurov) ؛Christian Era (MichaelBurov) ؛Common Era (MichaelBurov) ؛Current Era (MichaelBurov) ؛the year of Our Lord (MichaelBurov) ؛year A.D. (MichaelBurov) ؛year AD (MichaelBurov) ؛year C.E. (MichaelBurov) ؛year CE (MichaelBurov) ؛year of Christian Era (MichaelBurov) ؛year of Common Era (MichaelBurov) ؛year of Current Era (MichaelBurov) ؛year of the Christian Era (MichaelBurov) ؛year of the Common Era (MichaelBurov) ؛year of the Current Era (MichaelBurov) ؛C.E. (MichaelBurov) |
abbr. |
Analog to Digital converter see > ؛Analog to Digital converter see ADC |
abbr. |
CE (MichaelBurov) ؛AD (MichaelBurov) |
abbr. |
aircraft air depot |
abbr., austral. |
Dame of the Order of Australia |
abbr., auto. |
analog to digital converter ؛analog to digital (converter circuit) |
abbr., avia. |
analog-to-digital ؛awaiting delivery ؛arm/disarm |
abbr., avia., Canada |
aerodrome |
abbr., avia., med. |
auris dextra |
abbr., busin. |
aircraft direction ؛avoirdupois |
abbr., commun. |
Add/Drop |
abbr., earth.sc. |
analog-to-digital conversion |
abbr., econ. |
and D/A conversion |
abbr., econ. |
Anno Domini (in the year of Lord;since the birth of Christ) |
abbr., el. |
analog to digital conversion |
abbr., expl. |
average deviation |
abbr., insur. |
accidental damage |
abbr., interntl.trade. |
after date |
abbr., IT |
anno domini (Bricker) |
abbr., lat. |
Anima Dulcis ("sweet soul") ؛since the beginning of Christian era (Vadim Rouminsky) ؛since the Birth of the Christ (Vadim Rouminsky) ؛the year of our God Jesus Christ (Vadim Rouminsky) ؛since the beginning of Christian chronology (Vadim Rouminsky) |
abbr., libr. |
assistant director ؛autograph document |
abbr., logist. |
advance against documents |
abbr., mil. |
Analog/Digital ؛air depot ؛analog-to-digital |
abbr., oil |
assistant driller ؛altitude/depth ؛amplified and discriminated ؛analog-digital |
abbr., polit. |
analogue-digital (data) |
abbr., scottish |
Air Defence ؛Analogue-to-Digital |
abbr., securit. |
advance-decline |
abbr., shipb. |
after draft |
abbr., survey. |
analogue-to-digital conversion |
abbr., tech. |
advanced design (усовершенствованная конструкция; сокр. Углов) ؛alarm and display (аварийная (звуковая) сигнализация с индикацией неисправности; сокр. Углов) |
abbr., telecom. |
analog/digital |
energ.ind. |
acceptance and delivery |
mil. |
arm/destruct |
abbr. |
Aerospace and Defense ؛analysis and design (lxu5) |
abbr., IT |
assemble & disassemble |
abbr., med. |
ascending and descending |
abbr., mil. |
Admission and Disposition ؛Aerospace and Defence |
abbr., O&G, sakh. |
acquisition and divestment |
abbr., oil |
accounting and disbursing |
abbr., polym. |
assembly and disassembly |
abbr., auto. |
anti-dumping measures |
abbr., el. |
analog to digital conversion |
abbr., germ., avia. |
Airbus Deutschland |
abbr., mil. |
Analog to Digital |
abbr., O&G, sakh. |
Arkutun-Dagi |
abbr., telecom. |
analog digital ؛analog-digital |
abbr. |
average deviation |
abbr., el. |
amorphous diamond |
abbr., microel. |
analogue digital ... ؛analogue-to-digital ... |
abbr. |
specific optical rotation of a substance at t°C, measured for the D line of the sodium spectrum |
abbr., auto. |
Assembly & Disassembly |
abbr., fin. |
after date |
law |
a dato |