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[lʌg] v
med. سِنَادٌ (البِدْلَةِ السِنِّيَّة)
pack. طرف توصيل
terminal lug [lʌg] v
cables عروة طرف
 English thesaurus
lug [lʌg] abbr.
abbr. luggage
LUG [lʌg] abbr.
abbr. Ganda   ؛Local Users Group
abbr., avia. light utility glider
abbr., comp., net. Local User Group
abbr., el. librarian user group   ؛LOP unequipped generator
abbr., IT Linux Users Group   ؛List Useless Garbage
abbr., mil., avia. Army light utility cargo glider   ؛logistics item identification guide
airports, avia. Lugano, Switzerland
mil. light utility cargo glider
lUG [lʌg] abbr.
abbr. Intelligence Users' Guide
tech. London university computing services
LUG [lʌg] abbr.
abbr., oil lubricating upper gland
: 5 phrases in 4 subjects
Cables and cable production2
Electrical engineering1
Power lines1
Sound recording1

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