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[swɪʧ] n
comp., MS مُبَدْل (A device used to connect computers on a network that forwards packets to specific ports rather than broadcasting every packet to every port)
oil مفتاح التحويل   ؛سويتج
UN, econ. مفتاح تحويل
switch [swɪʧ] v
gen. تبديل   ؛غير   ؛مفتاح   ؛بدل
comp., MS الانتقال (To change the modality of a conversation from, say, voice call to video, starting from a pop-up notification)   ؛إيقاف التشغيل (A circuit element that has two states, on and off)
econ. نقل أو تبديل عن طريق طرف ثالث (بورصة)
el., meas.inst. يُحَوِّل يفصل أو يوصِّل
med. بَدَّالَةٌ
railw., sec.sys. سكين تحويل
mechanical switch [swɪʧ] v
PSP فاصل ميكانيكى
switch message [swɪʧ] v
telegr. تبادل فصل وتوصيل الرسائل
switch in computer networks [swɪʧ] v
comp., net. المحول الآلى فى ربط الشبكات
switch circuit [swɪʧ] v
telegr. تبادل فصل وتوصيل دارة
 English thesaurus
switches n
IT Typically associated as a data link layer device, switches enable local area network LAN segments to be created and interconnected, which has the added benefit of reducing collision domains in Ethernet-based networks.
switch [swɪʧ] abbr.
abbr. switchblade knife
abbr., electr.eng. three-pole   ؛sw&d
abbr., IT sw
mil., logist. The switch allows one to connect pieces of equipment or concentrators to the remaining part of the network and it makes the road to direct the data towards the network section where the intended piece of equipment is located. In this way, it allows one to better manage the data flow than the concentrator does. (FRA)
SWiTCH [swɪʧ] v
med. Stroke With Transfusions Changing to Hydroxyurea (iwona)
SWITCH [swɪʧ] abbr.
abbr., chem., scient. Sulphur
: 102 phrases in 21 subjects
Antennas and waveguides4
Electric machinery3
Electric traction5
Electrical engineering18
Electricity generation6
International Monetary Fund1
Lighting other than cinema1
Oil / petroleum3
Oil and gas technology8
Power electronics4
Power system protection15
Rail transport6
Thermal Energy3

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