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['fʌn(ə)l] n
med. قِمْع (أَقْماع)
fimbrial funnel ['fʌn(ə)l] n
vet.med., anat. قِمْع البُوق Infundibulum tubae uterinae   ؛القمع الخَمَلي; Infundibulum tubae uterinae   ؛صِيوان Infundibulum tubae uterinae
Funnel ['fʌn(ə)l] n
comp., MS قِمع (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show the filtering of information or how parts merge into a whole. Emphasizes the final outcome. Can contain up to four lines of Level 1 text; the last of these four Level 1 text lines appears below the funnel and the other lines correspond to a circular shape. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts)
 English thesaurus
funnel ['fʌn(ə)l] abbr.
abbr. funnel method (ssn)
: 14 phrases in 6 subjects
Animal husbandry2
Laboratory equipment5
Wood processing2

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