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[trænz'dju:sə] n
el. ناقل اشارة
el., acoust. محول إشارة
med. تِرْجام (ج: تَراجِيم)
O&G. tech. محول طاقة
electrical measuring transducer [trænz'dju:sə] n
el., meas.inst. مُحول الإشارات للقياس الكهربائي
energy transducer [trænz'dju:sə] n
el.mach. مبدل الطاقة
 English thesaurus
transducer [trænz'dju:sə] abbr.
abbr., auto. TRANS TRDCR
abbr., electr.eng. xder
abbr., IT trans
metrol. A device which accepts information in the form of a physical and chemical variable its input variable and converts it into an output variable of the same or another nature, according to a definite law
: 40 phrases in 6 subjects
Antennas and waveguides1
Automatic control1
Fishery fishing industry3
Piezoelectric crystals6
Sound recording1

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