gen. |
mace |
mamm. |
macja (Felis silvestris (domesticus)) |
English thesaurus |
coll., abbr. |
traktor guseničar |
mamm. |
agriogata (Felis silvestris (domesticus)) |
mil., lingo |
catapult (MichaelBurov) |
tech. |
caterpillar (MichaelBurov); catapult (MichaelBurov) |
abbr. |
caterpillar; catalogue (Vosoni) |
abbr., busin. |
catamaran; category |
abbr., earth.sc. |
catalog; catalyst; catalytic; catalytical |
abbr. |
chloramphenical acetyltransferase; computer-aided transcription |
abbr., auto. |
computer-aided experimental testing |
abbr., avia. |
commercial air transport; computer aided tooling; computer aided typesetting; computer assisted training |
abbr., econ. |
computer-aided/assisted teaching/training |
abbr., fr., avia. |
comité de l'assistance technique |
abbr., IT |
Computer Aided Team; Computer Aided Training; Computer Aided Transport |
abbr., med. |
capillary agglutination test; child's apperception test; cholineacetyltransferase; chronic abdominal tympany |
abbr., shipb. |
combined acceptance trial |
abbr., tech. |
Cabinen Taxi |
abbr., earth.sc. |
cataract; cataracts |
abbr., libr. |
catalogs |
abbr., earth.sc. |
cataract |
abbr. |
catalytic cracking unit; catapult; category; reference letter (Rahim) |
abbr., busin. |
cattle |
abbr., oil |
cataclastic; cathodic |
polym. |
catalyst; catalytic |
tech. |
caterpillar (MichaelBurov) |
file.ext. |
Catalog (file name extension) |
abbr. |
carburettor air temperature; computed axial tomography; computerized axial tomography; Catalan; Central African Time; Community Action Team; Community Activist Technology; Computer Aided Translation; Cable Avoidance Tool (used in construction Alex Lilo); California Achievement Test (Alex Lilo); Call Any Time (Alex Lilo); Calling All Troops (Alex Lilo); Camarillo Area Transit (California Alex Lilo); Cambridge Antibody Technology Group Plc (Alex Lilo); Can Analyzer Tool (Alex Lilo); Can't Answer That (Alex Lilo); Canadian Army Trophy; Canadian Association of Transplantation (Alex Lilo); Canine Agility Team (Alex Lilo); Canon Auto Tuning; Capacity Analysis Tool (Alex Lilo); Capital Acquisitions Tax (UK Alex Lilo); Capital Area Transit (Raleigh, NC Alex Lilo); Capsule Ariane Technologies (Alex Lilo); Carboxyatractyloside (cocklebur poisoning Alex Lilo); Carburetor Air Temperature (aviation Alex Lilo); Carnitine-Acylcarnitine Translocase (Alex Lilo); Carrier Access Tariff (Alex Lilo); Casual American Teenager (Alex Lilo); Catalan Language (ISO 639-2 Code Alex Lilo); Catalase (Alex Lilo); Catalog File (Alex Lilo); Catalonia (country identifier Alex Lilo); Catalunya (Alex Lilo); Catalyst Average Temperature (reactor catalyst bed Alex Lilo); Catalytic Converter (automobiles Alex Lilo); Catamaran (Alex Lilo); Catastrophe (Claims Office Alex Lilo); Catastrophic (Alex Lilo); Catch Airboat Thieves (Alex Lilo); Catechism (Alex Lilo); Catenate (Unix command Alex Lilo); CECOM Accreditation Team (Alex Lilo); Cellular Action Team (Electronic Communications Service Provider committee Alex Lilo); Center for Advanced Technologies (Alex Lilo); Center for Appropriate Transport (Alex Lilo); Center for Army Tactics; Central Alaska Time-10:00; Central Arizona Trails (motorcycle group Alex Lilo); Central Arkansas Transit (bus/light rail service; greater Little Rock, AR Alex Lilo); Central Artery-Tunnel (Boston Highway Construction Project Alex Lilo); Central Azucarera de Tarlac (Philippines Alex Lilo); Centre for Alternative Technology (Machynlleth, Wales, UK Alex Lilo); Centro de Alerta Temprana Espan~ol (Alex Lilo); Centro de Apoio e Tratamento (da Toxicodepende^ncia, Portugal Alex Lilo); Centro de Apoyo al Trabajador (Spanish: Worker Support Center Alex Lilo); Certified Accounting Technician (Alex Lilo); Certified Automotive Technician (Alex Lilo); Change Agent Team (Alex Lilo); Channel Association Tag (Alex Lilo); Channel Available Time (Alex Lilo); Chaotic Atrial Tachycardia (Alex Lilo); Character Animation Technologies (Alex Lilo); Charges Access And Terms; Charges Access Terms; Charges, easy Access and fair Terms (UK Alex Lilo); Chemical Addition Tank (Alex Lilo); Chemical Analysis and Technology (Alex Lilo); Chicago Area Theatres (Alex Lilo); Chloramphenicol Acetyltransferase (Alex Lilo); Chromatic Adaptation Transform (Alex Lilo); Citizen's Area Transit (bus system; Las Vegas, Nevada Alex Lilo); Citizens Against Tolls, Inc (Alex Lilo); Citizens' Army Training (Alex Lilo); now Computed Tomography) (Alex Lilo); Cataract ophthalmology (Alex Lilo); Caterpillar, Inc. (Alex Lilo); Civil Aviation Tribunal (Canada Alex Lilo); Civilian Augmented Training (Alex Lilo); Clean Advanced Technology (Alex Lilo); Clemson Area Transit (Alex Lilo); Clever Anatomical Tricks; Climate Advisory Team (State of Washington Alex Lilo); Clinical Annual Training (US DoD Alex Lilo); Clock Access Time (Alex Lilo); Cloud Arrival Time (Alex Lilo); Club Atle'tico Talleres (Alex Lilo); Club Atle'tico Temperley (Argentina Alex Lilo); Club Atletisme Tarragona (Spanish Alex Lilo); Cognitive Abilities Test; Cognitive Ability Test (Alex Lilo); Colegio Americano de Torreo'n (American school in Mexico Alex Lilo); Collaborative Access Team (Advanced Photon Source Alex Lilo); Collaborative Active Textbooks; College Ability Test (Alex Lilo); College of Advanced Technology (Alex Lilo); Columbia Agility Team (Alex Lilo); Combat AGE Team (US Air Force Alex Lilo); Combat Aircrew Training (Alex Lilo); Combat Application Tourniquet (Alex Lilo); Combined Acceptance Trials (Ships Alex Lilo); Combined Arms Team (Alex Lilo); Combined Arms Training (Alex Lilo); Combined Attribute Table (Alex Lilo); Command Action Team (Alex Lilo); Command Authorization Table (Alex Lilo); Committee of Anaesthetists in Training of Sheffield (Alex Lilo); Committee on Applications and Technology (Alex Lilo); Commodity Action Team (Alex Lilo); Common Aptitude Test (Alex Lilo); Common Assessment Task (Alex Lilo); Common Authentication Technology (IETF Alex Lilo); Communications Assist Team (Alex Lilo); Communications Assistance Center (Alex Lilo); Compact Audio Technology (Alex Lilo); Competency Assessment Tool (Alex Lilo); Complementary Angle Theorem (Alex Lilo); Compliance Assessment Team (Alex Lilo); Component Advanced Technology (Alex Lilo); Computer Aided Technology (Messe); Computer Aided Telephony; Computer Aided Tomography; Computer Aided Transcription (Alex Lilo); Computer and Technology (Alex Lilo); Computer Association of Thailand (Alex Lilo); computer-aided tool (Alexander Matytsin); Computer-Aided Tooling (Alex Lilo); Computer-Aided Training; Computer-Assisted Teaching; Computer-Assisted Translation (Alex Lilo); Computer-based Adaptive Testing (Alex Lilo); Computerized Adaptive Testing (Alex Lilo); Concatenate (Alex Lilo); Concatenate And Type; Concentration Activated Transformation; Concord Area Transit (New Hampshire, USA Alex Lilo); Condensed Air Technology (Alex Lilo); Conditional Access Table (Alex Lilo); Conditionally Accepted Tag (Alex Lilo); Confe'de'ration Autonome du Travail (French: Independent Trade Unions Confederation Alex Lilo); Conformance Acceptance Test (Alex Lilo); Connector Actuation Tool (Alex Lilo); Constant Amortized Time; Consultancy And Appropriate Technology; Container Anchorage Terminal (Alex Lilo); Content Access Tool (Alex Lilo); Content Applications Transactions (Alex Lilo); Continuous Action Tamper (railroad track maintenance machine made by Plasser & Thuerer, Austria Alex Lilo); Continuous Adaptive Terrain; Continuous Asynchronous Transmission (Alex Lilo); Contract Action Team (Alex Lilo); Contract Assistance Team (Alex Lilo); Contract Award Target (Alex Lilo); Contributory Access Tariff (Canada Alex Lilo); Control & Assessment Team (Alex Lilo); Control and Analysis Tool (Alex Lilo); Controlled Atmosphere Transfer (Alex Lilo); Convention Against Torture (United Nations; see UNCAT Alex Lilo); Conventional Arms Transfers; Convergent Audio Technology (stereo equipment maker Alex Lilo); Cooled Anode Transmitting valve (Alex Lilo); Corporate Accounts Transaction (Alex Lilo); Corrective Action Team (Alex Lilo); Cost Access Terms; Cost Analysis Team (Alex Lilo); Cost Analysis Tool (Alex Lilo); Cost Authority Target (Alex Lilo); Cost, Access & Term (UK government standard for ISAs Alex Lilo); Cougars and Teaching (Washington collaborative project Alex Lilo); Counter Assault Team (US Secret Service Alex Lilo); Course Achievement Test (Alex Lilo); Covert Action Team (Alex Lilo); Crack Arrest Temperature (Alex Lilo); Creative Art Techniques; Crew Aid and Tool (Alex Lilo); Criminal Apprehension Team (Alex Lilo); Crisis Augmentation Team; Criterion Autoregressive Transfer (Alex Lilo); Critical Action Time (in physics, the minimum time for an event Alex Lilo); Cryogenic Accelerator Technology (Alex Lilo); Cultural Algorithm Toolkit (Alex Lilo); Customer Acceptance Test (Alex Lilo); Customer Access Terminal (LSSGR Alex Lilo); Customer Action Team (Alex Lilo); Customer Assistance Technology (Alex Lilo); now Computed Tomography (Alex Lilo); SCAN Computerized Axial Tomography Scan; Wolffishes (FAO fish species code Alex Lilo) |
abbr., astr. |
Cosmic Anisotropy Telescope (Vosoni) |
abbr., astronaut. |
CubeSat Ambipolar Thruster (semfromshire) |
abbr., auto. |
computer-aided testing (program); catalog (catalogue) |
abbr., automat. |
computer-aided teaching; computer-aided test; computer-assisted training |
abbr., avia. |
clear-air turbulence (или "воздушная яма" Val_Ships); catalogue; computer aided theodolite; customer acceptance testing; compressed-air tunnel; clear air turbulence (MichaelBurov); category (of weather for landing Interex); catering |
abbr., avia., med. |
computer-assisted tomography |
abbr., bank. |
Cardholder-Activated Terminal (aht); credit authorisation terminal |
abbr., biol. |
chloramphenicol acetyl transferase |
abbr., busin. |
computer of average transients; construction assessment team |
abbr., comp., net. |
customer-activated terminal |
abbr., dat.proc. |
computer-aided translation |
abbr., earth.sc. |
calc-alkali trachyte; catalog tape; classical analytic technique; gear air turbulence; cross-section archival tape |
abbr., EBRD |
Central Asia Team |
abbr., ecol. |
carbon added tax (Himera) |
abbr., ed. |
Caterpillar; Classroom Assessment Technique; Computer Adaptive Test; Computer Assisted Teaching |
abbr., ed., scient. |
Common Admission Test |
abbr., el. |
Central Alaska time; channel address translator; charge assisted tunneling; communications and tracking; computer automated testing; contractive affine transformation; criterion for autoregressive transfer function |
abbr., energ.syst. |
computer-assisted trading (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., exhib. |
a client name |
abbr., file.ext. |
Computer Average Transients; Logical package (Rational Rose) |
abbr., fr., space |
Capsule Ariane Technologique; Comite de l'Assistance Technique |
abbr., insur. |
catastrophe (ZolVas) |
abbr., IT |
computer aided type-setting; computer aided test; computer assisted technical training; computer assisted tomography; Computer Aided Testing; Computer Assisted Translation; computer-aided technologies; computer-aided typesetting; condition access table; cat (computer-aided teaching); cat (computer-aided testing); cat (computer-aided tomography) |
abbr., karate. |
city air terminal; computerized automatic tester |
abbr., lab.eq. |
Cambridge Antibody Technology |
abbr., law |
Combat Auto Theft |
abbr., med. |
calibrated automated thrombinography (iwona); Cancer After Transplantation; Cardiomyopathy Trial; Computerized Tomography Scan; Critical Appraisal Tools; Critically Appraised Topic; Chloramphenicol Acetyl Transferase; Computed Axial Tomography; computerized axial tomography (obsolete); conditioned avoidance catalepsy (ННатальЯ); conditioned avoidance test (тест обусловленного избегания ННатальЯ); conformal arc therapy (harser); Cancer-associated thrombosis (oxana135); clot activator tube (vlad-and-slav); computer-assisted translation (bigmaxus); combat application tourniquet |
abbr., meteorol. |
Clear Air Turbulence |
abbr., mil. |
Computer- Assisted Training; Crisis Action Team; Combat Action Team; Combat Assault Team (Featus); Combustion Alteration Technology; Computer-Aided Tomography; Computer-Aided Translation; Computer-Assisted Testing; Combat application tourniquet (Киселев) |
abbr., multimed. |
computer-assisted test/testing |
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. |
Caspian action team |
abbr., O&G, sakh. |
Central Approvals Team (Sakhalin Energy) |
abbr., O&G. tech. |
connection actuation tool (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., oil |
carbon adsorber tube; casing attenuation thickness; catenary anchored tower; classical analysis technique; client acceptance test; colour animation terminal; computer automated tester; computer average technique; computer of averaged transients; computer-aided technology; computer-aided testing; container association transport; control and test; controlled attenuator timer; chain-articulated tower |
abbr., oil.proc. |
catalyst average temperature (Rodeo Dayz) |
abbr., opt. |
catadioptric |
abbr., pharm. |
Committee for Advanced Therapies (peregrin) |
abbr., physiol. |
Coblation Assisted Tonsillectomy |
abbr., physiol., med. |
Cataract; Catheter; Coital Alignment Technique |
abbr., polit. |
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., post |
Category (MODS report abbreviation); Critical Acceptance Time; Curbline Access Test; Customer Acceptance Testing (USPS / industry internal preproduction test of IMB system before TEM) |
abbr., psychiat. |
Choline acetyltransferase; cognitive adaptation training (когнитивно-адаптационный тренинг Acruxia) |
abbr., qual.cont. |
component acceptance test |
abbr., radio |
cooled-anode transmitting valve |
abbr., scottish |
Chemical Agents Tracer; Cockpit Automation Technology; Computer Automatic Testing |
abbr., space |
cabin air temperature; celestial atomic trajectile; communication and tracking; computer aided trainer; computer automatic testing system; continuity assurance technique; continuous automatic test (ing); critical atmospheric turbulence |
abbr., sport. |
Confederation of African Tennis |
abbr., st.exch. |
Caterpillar, Inc. |
abbr., tax. |
capital assignment tax (Sjoe!); Commercial Activity Tax (in Ohio Sjoe!); comparable adjustable transaction method (dimock) |
abbr., transp. |
Civil Air Transport; Clear - Air Turbulence |
comp. |
channel activity table; computer aided transceiver |
ecol., abbr. |
clear air turbulence |
energ.ind. |
clean air technology; computer aided teaching |
energ.ind., abbr. |
computer-assisted trading |
meteorol. |
compressed air tunnel |
mil. |
cartridge assembly test; central analysis team; centralized automatic testing; civic action team; civil affairs team; consolidated atomic time; clerical aptitude test; clustered air target; coast artillery training; combat action team expert; combat aircraft technology; combat aptitude test; combat aviation troop; combined acceptance trials; combined acquisition and tracking; commander, amphibious troops; component acceptance trials; computer-assisted test; contractor acceptance test; control and assessment team; conventional arms transfer; converted aerial targets; crisis action team |
tech. |
cathode; cation; computer analysis of transistors; computer assisted teaching; computer-aided typesetter; construction appraisal team; cooled-anode tube; crack arrest technology; crack arrest test; current-adjusting type device |
abbr., oil |
Catahoula |
avia. |
Catalina |
O&G |
short for an industrial or gas engine manufactured by Caterpillar, Inc.; short for any piece of industrial equipment such as bulldozer, manufactured by Caterpillar, Inc. |
abbr., transp. |
Cabinentaxi |