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[bɜ:d] v
gen. voël
 English thesaurus
bird [bɜ:d] n
gen. 100
BIRD [bɜ:d] abbr.
abbr. Bridgestone Innovative And Rational Development
abbr., el. Israel-US Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation
abbr., fr., avia. Banque International Pour la Reconstruction et le Développment
abbr., inf. To point the middle finger at a person, usually done in disrespect... He shot a "bird "at me.
Bird [bɜ:d] abbr.
abbr., space bispectral infrared detection small satellite
BIRD [bɜ:d] abbr.
abbr. Board of Industrial Research and Development
abbr., fr., space Banque Internationale pour la Reconstruction et le Developpement
abbr., oil birdseye
abbr., space bispectral IR detector

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