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[eɪp] n
gen. aap
 English thesaurus
APE [eɪp] abbr.
abbr. Annual Premium Equivalent; Aems Pipeline Editor; Alternative Php Encoder; Ammunition Peculiar Equip; Angus Promotional Enterprises; Animal Project Editor; Animal Projects Editor; Animation Production Environment; APplication Engineering; Attentive, Peripheral, Empathic (Interex); Automated Performance Enhancement
abbr., auto. automatic position equipment
abbr., avia. airplane aircraft program engineering; autopilot engaged
abbr., ed. All-Paths Explorer
abbr., el. additive photo etching; annealed proton exchange technique; antenna positioner electronics; application program evaluation; application prototype environment; associative processing element
abbr., formal Association of Petroleum Engineers (USA october)
abbr., geogr. ARE (LyuFi)
abbr., immunol. absolute plating efficiency
abbr., lab.eq. Andrographis Paniculata Extract
abbr., meteorol. Acetone Powder Extract; Acute Polioencephalitis; Acute Psychotic Episode; Acute Pulmonary Edema; Airway Pressure Excursion; Acute Pulmonary Edema / Acute Pulmonary Embolism; adapted physical educator; aminophyline, phenobarbital, ephedrine; anterior pituitary extract
abbr., microbiol. antimicrobial preservative effectiveness (Фьялар)
abbr., mil. airfield pavement evaluation
abbr., mil., avia. a programmable emulator
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. area project engineer
abbr., oil automatic phase edition
abbr., physiol. Arm Position Extended
abbr., scottish Amphibisches Pionier-Erkundungsfahrzeug (Amphibious front line reconnaissance vehicle (Germany)); Armour Piercing, Explosive; Automated Production Equipment Corp. (USA)
mil. advanced production engineering; aerial port of embarkation; ammunition peculiar equipment; Army preliminary evaluation; automatic photographic equipment; automatic photomapping equipment
tech. atomic photoelectric effect; automatic phase editing; automatic photo mapping equipment; automatic positioning equipment
Ape [eɪp] n
vet.med., abbr. A
APED abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Afghanistan Petroleum Exploration Department
abbr., oil Afghan Petroleum Exploration Department
APE [eɪp] abbr.
abbr., avia. aircraft airplane program engineering
abbr., comp., net. application protocol entity
abbr., earth.sc. absolute percent error; automated pipe handling equipment
abbr., ecol. assimilative potential of the environment
abbr., oil adaptive predictive encoding; alkaline phosphomonoesterase; alkylphenol polyoxyethylene ether; allyl phenyl ether; anisotropic poro-elasticity; annular packing efficiency; antenna positioning electronics; aromatic polyester; available potential energy; available power efficiency
abbr., space absolute pointing error; accurate position finder; auroral photography experiment
abbr., surg. abdominoperineal excision (Ying)

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