
Dutch-Russian dictionary  
Subject Number of entries
Abbreviation 39
Accounting 85
Administrative law 22
Advertising 4
Aeronautics 2
African 3
Agriculture 192
Algebra 1
Alternative dispute resolution 3
American usage, not spelling 2
Anatomy 347
Ancient French 4
Angling hobby 2
Antennas and waveguides 2.056
Aragon 1
Archaeology 6
Archaic 59
Architecture 13
Argentina 1
Art 27
Artillery 11
Astrology 2
Astronautics 12
Astronomy 83
Athletics 2
Austrian usage 1
Automated equipment 1
Automobiles 249
Aviation medicine 2
Aviation 98
Avuncular 20
Bacteriology 1
Bakery 1
Banking 52
Belarus 2
Belgian usage 130
Bible 34
Biochemistry 12
Biology 142
Blast-furnace practice 1
Book binding 16
Bookish / literary 6
Botany 471
Brazil 7
Bridge construction 7
Building materials 14
Building structures 18
Business 316
Canada 5
Card games 29
Cardiology 3
Cartography 3
Catholic 18
Chemistry 327
Chess 44
Childish 12
Chile 3
Chinese 1
Christianity 53
Chromatography 10
Cinematography 14
Circus 4
Clerical 369
Cliche / convention 1
Clinical trial 31
Clothing 38
Collective 27
College vernacular 5
Commerce 24
Communications 1
Computer graphics 1
Computers 96
Construction 152
Contemptuous 75
Contextual meaning 14
Contracts 5
Cooking 138
Copyright 2
Corporate governance 1
Cosmetics and cosmetology 48
Court law 9
Criminal law 10
Criminology 7
Crystallography 13
Cultural studies 7
Customs 8
Cycling other than sport 3
Demography 1
Dentistry 5
Derogatory 19
Dialectal 543
Diminutive 17
Diplomacy 13
Disapproving 19
Dog breeding 2
Drug name 2
Drug-related slang 10
Drugs and addiction medicine 1
Dutch 8
Ecology 27
Economic law 1
Economics 303
Education 182
Electrical engineering 24
Electrochemistry 1
Electronics 106
Endocrinology 1
Energy industry 2
Energy system 3
Engineering 2
Entomology 7
Environment 5.205
Epidemiology 2
Equestrian sports 2
Esoterics 1
Ethnology 4
Ethology 1
Euphemistic 10
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 7
European Union 11
Fairy tales 3
Fashion 1
Figurative 1.899
Figure of speech 172
Figure skating 1
Finances 172
Firefighting and fire-control systems 6
Fish farming pisciculture 768
Fishery fishing industry 8
Floriculture 2
Folklore 5
Food industry 100
Food service and catering 1
Football 24
Footwear 2
Foreign affairs 1
Foreign policy 1
Foreign trade 3
Forestry 6
Formal 11
French 53
Furniture 9
Gambling 2
Gardening 4
Gas processing plants 2
Gastroenterology 1
General 122.764
Genetics 2
Geography 422
Geology 69
Geometry 6
German 8
Germany 24
Given name 32
Government, administration and public services 1
Grammar 297
Greek 3
Groceries 1
Ground forces Army 1
Gynecology 100
Handicraft 9
Health care 9
Hebrew 5
Hematology 1
Hindi 1
Historical 425
Horse breeding 5
Horticulture 15
Hotel industry 8
Household appliances 4
Human resources 1
Human rights activism 2
Humorous / Jocular 60
Hunting 13
Hydraulics 1
Hydrogeology 1
Hydrography 7
Hydrology 2
Hygiene 2
Ichthyology 72
Idiomatic 799
Immigration and citizenship 1
Immunology 6
Indonesian 63
Industry 7
Informal 1.524
Information technology 44
Inheritance law 3
Insurance 8
International relations 11
Internet 20
Invective 39
Ironical 68
Italian 2
Japanese language 1
Jargon 60
Jewelry 2
Journalism terminology 11
Labor law 23
Labor organization 2
Landscaping 3
Latin 19
Law enforcement 1
Law 1.425
Legal entity types business legal structures 7
Life sciences 1
Lighting other than cinema 1
Linguistics 204
Literally 5
Literature 83
Logging 1
Logic 4
Logistics 18
Low register 30
Machine components 1
Magnetics 1
Malay 1
Mammals 60
Management 8
Marketing 1
Mass media 5
Mathematical analysis 113
Mathematics 5.270
Meat processing 3
Mechanic engineering 12
Mechanics 14
Medical appliances 13
Medical 1.414
Metal physics 1
Metal science 1
Metallurgy 2
Meteorology 16
Microbiology 1
Microelectronics 19
Microsoft 11.428
Military aviation 12
Military lingo 1
Military 994
Milk production 6
Mineralogy 79
Mining 15
Missiles 3
Misused 1
Modern use 6
Molecular biology 1
Motorcycles 2
Mountaineering 2
Museums 10
Music 270
Mythology 83
Names and surnames 3
Nautical 958
Navy 1
Netherlands usage 1
Netherlands 7
Non-governmental organizations 6
Nonstandard 16
Notarial practice 25
Nuclear physics 2
Obsolete / dated 179
Obstetrics 1
Occupational health & safety 5
Officialese 81
Oil / petroleum 7
Oil and gas technology 6
Oil and gas 6
Oncology 5
Optics branch of physics 2
Organic chemistry 5
Ornithology 89
Orthopedics 3
Packaging 1
Paint, varnish and lacquer 22
Painting 51
Paleontology 6
Patents 5
Pedagogics 2
Pediatrics 1
Pejorative 2
Perfume 1
Pharmacology 5
Pharmacy and pharmacology 195
Philology 3
Philosophy 39
Phonetics 12
Photography 26
Physics 142
Physiology 17
Phytophathology 2
Plastics 4
Plumbing 6
Poetic 62
Police 24
Political economy 1
Politics 277
Polygraphy 96
Polymers 104
Pompous 5
Postal service 2
Prison slang 2
Procedural law 5
Production 2
Professional jargon 1
Programming 6
Proper and figurative 2
Proverb 143
Psychiatry 11
Psycholinguistics 1
Psychology 71
Psychopathology 3
Psychotherapy 6
Public law 11
Publishing 2
Pulmonology 1
Quality control and standards 1
Quantum mechanics 1
Quotes and aphorisms 4
Radio 32
Radiology 1
Rail transport 77
Real estate 28
Records management 3
Refrigeration 2
Regional usage other than language varieties 2
Religion 207
Research and development 1
Rhetoric 5
Road construction 1
Road sign 3
Road surface 1
Road traffic 70
Road works 6
Robotics 49
Rude 212
Russian language 1
SAP finance 1
SAP tech. 1
Saying 307
School terminology 1
School and university subjects 2
School 12
Scientific 20
Securities 2
Security systems 22
Sewing and clothing industry 8
Sex and sexual subcultures 2
Sexology 3
Shipbuilding 5
Show business 1
Slang 86
Socialism 2
Sociology 30
Software 4
Soil mechanics 1
Soil science 1
Sound recording 2
South America 1
Southern Dutch 58
Soviet 2
Space 2
Spanish 2
Sports 308
Statistics 383
Stock Exchange 2
Sublime 9
Surgery 7
Surveying 5
Taboo expressions and obscenities 4
Taxes 22
Technology 907
Teenager slang 3
Telecommunications 2
Telephony 11
Television 5
Tennis 3
Textile industry 70
Theatre 47
Timber floating 2
Tools 8
Topography 1
Toponym 147
Toxicology 6
Trade unions 2
Trademark 10
Transport 42
Traumatology 1
Travel 17
Typography 13
Uncommon / rare 7
Unit measures 8
United Nations 11
United States 83
University 9
Vernacular language 9
Veterinary medicine 27
Virology 4
Vulgar 3
Warehouse 4
Weapons and gunsmithing 2
Weapons of mass destruction 5
Weaving 2
Welfare & Social Security 6
Wine growing 10
Winemaking 13
Wood processing 2
Zoology 370
Zootechnics 5
Total: 171.425