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неопределённый артикль (на русский язык не переводится); один; одна; одно; единица | |||
один | |||
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оставаться вместе; не разъединяться | |||
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форма родит. падежа м. и ср. рода ед. числа от de; намного (пр.1. Amsterdam is groot, maar Parijs des groter.; пр.2. De te waterrekening is niet gesteden, maar de gasrekening des te meer. foreverchild); значительно (foreverchild); несравненно (foreverchild); почему (ms.lana); отчего (ms.lana); зачем (ms.lana) | |||
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форма родит. пад. женск. рода и мн. ч. всех родов от de | |||
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без особенностей (Julia_Tim) |
een : 5221 phrases in 64 subjects |
Accounting | 8 |
Antennas and waveguides | 505 |
Automated equipment | 28 |
Banking | 1 |
Belgian usage | 1 |
Bible | 4 |
Biology | 1 |
Business | 2 |
Card games | 2 |
Christianity | 1 |
Clerical | 8 |
Contemptuous | 1 |
Contracts | 1 |
Dialectal | 6 |
Economics | 3 |
Education | 12 |
Environment | 288 |
Figurative | 165 |
Figure of speech | 17 |
Fish farming pisciculture | 4 |
General | 3228 |
Geography | 1 |
Grammar | 2 |
Health care | 1 |
Historical | 2 |
Humorous / Jocular | 9 |
Idiomatic | 138 |
Informal | 54 |
Invective | 3 |
Ironical | 9 |
Jargon | 1 |
Law | 29 |
Literature | 1 |
Mathematical analysis | 1 |
Mathematics | 281 |
Medical | 3 |
Microsoft | 180 |
Military | 5 |
Museums | 1 |
Mythology | 7 |
Nautical | 8 |
Obsolete / dated | 1 |
Officialese | 3 |
Pharmacy and pharmacology | 2 |
Philology | 1 |
Physics | 1 |
Poetic | 2 |
Politics | 1 |
Polygraphy | 1 |
Postal service | 1 |
Proverb | 22 |
Religion | 2 |
Robotics | 1 |
Rude | 3 |
Saying | 66 |
Software | 1 |
Southern Dutch | 1 |
Sports | 3 |
Statistics | 15 |
Technology | 63 |
United Nations | 6 |
University | 1 |
Vernacular language | 1 |
Zoology | 1 |