
   Danish French
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hobby transp. avia. bord d'attaque
industr. construct. clou; ourlage; jupe
social.sc. aiguille; hypo; machine; peupon; pompe; shooteuse
| regulerer
transp. dresser
| blodkarrenes
med. artère
| udvidning
industr. construct. met. évasement
| og
comp., MS AND
sammentr kning
- only individual words found

to phrases
søm n
gen. articles de clouterie; clous m
fish.farm. laçage m
hobby, transp., avia. bord d'attaque
industr., construct. clou m; ourlage f; jupe f; pointe
social.sc. aiguille f; hypo m; machine f; peupon m; pompe f; shooteuse f
tech., industr., construct. couture f
tech., textile drapelet cousu; ourlet m
sømme n
industr., construct. ourler
med. clouer
som regulerer blodkarrenes udvidning og
: 2 phrases in 1 subject