
   Danish English
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gen. Committees
gen. Single Committee; The Single Committee
gen. commission; Committee
econ. EP Committee; committee
math. sample
| for
industr. construct. backing
National | og
gen. both ...and ...
International | Gods
agric. estate
| og
gen. both ...and ...
| Personbefordring
transp. passenger service
| ad
med. to
| F
mus. F
llesskabets | Indre
IT internal
- only individual words found

to phrases
udvalg n
gen. commission
econ. EP Committee (EP); committee EU (EU)
math. sample
polit. parliamentary committee
Udvalget under Det Europæiske Samarbejdsagentur n
gen. Single Committee of the European Agency for Cooperation; The Single Committee of the European Agency for Cooperation
Udvalg n
gen. Committees
udvalg under Europarådet n
gen. Committee of the Council of Europe
Udvalget for National og International Gods- og Personbefordring ad
: 1 phrase in 1 subject