
   Danish English
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mus. A
life.sc. eae gene; eae
4 datask rm
- only individual words found

noun | noun | verb | to phrases
å n
environ. river; river A stream of water which flows in a channel from high ground to low ground and ultimately to a lake or the sea, except in a desert area where it may dwindle away to nothing. A river and all its tributaries within a single basin is termed a drainage system
a tonenavn n
mus. A
eae v
life.sc. eae gene; eae
 Danish thesaurus
A abbr.
abbr. ampere; amt; anno; april; argon; argent; massetal
abbr., mil. abonnent
a abbr.
abbr. prima; ar; atom
å abbr.
abbr., mil. år
A. abbr.
abbr., mil. Artilleriet; Artillerikursus
Å abbr.
abbr. ångstrøm
a. abbr.
abbr., mil. atom
: 13 phrases in 5 subjects
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