
   Danish English
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commun. requirements
earth.sc. tech. requirement
environ. demand; demand
law rights
til | egnethed
lab.law. aptitude
| og
comp., MS AND
gen. both ...and ...; on the one hand...and on the other hand ...
| h
mus. B
- only individual words found

to phrases
krav n
commun. requirements
earth.sc., tech. requirement
environ. demand; demand The desire, ability and willingness of an individual to purchase a good or service. The consumer must have the funds or the ability to obtain funds in order to convert the desire into demand. The demand of a buyer for a certain good is a schedule of the quantities of that good which the individual would buy at possible alternative prices at a given moment in time
law rights
law, commer. claim
krav til egnethed og
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects