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China polit. 检举
econ. 报告
fin. 查帐报告
fin. од. 报表
interntl.trade. 报告单; 报关单
met. 通报
sport. 报道
sport. од. 爆炸声
| functional item
 functional item
avia. 功能项目
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
report [rɪ'pɔ:t] n
gen. 告发
agric. 报告书 (reportare)
auto. 【动,名】报告; 通知; 公报; 报告报导
busin. 报告; 发表; 报单
China, law 报案; 告发 (an offender); 申告; 提出报告
China, polit. 检举
commer. 报告亦缩为 REPT; 报单亦缩为 rpt
dril. No.报表编号
econ. 传说; 议论; 通讯; 正式记录; 转述; 使报道; 揭发
fin. 报表; 查帐报告
hydroel.st. 记录
interntl.trade. 报告单; 报关单
IT 爆裂声
journ. 新闻报道
met. 通报
oil 汇报
scient. 成绩报告单; 传闻; 会议等的记录
sport. 报道; 爆炸声
tech. 报告; 表报; 报告; 报表书
telecom. 通告
textile 报告书; 报到
reports n
earth.sc. 报告; 报告书; 记录
law 判决汇编
report er [rɪ'pɔ:t] n
econ. 报告
report [rɪ'pɔ:t] v
gen. 举报; 报导; 报告〔道,到〕; 通〔告〕知; 公〔表,通,汇〕报; 正式记录; 采访; 传〔转〕述; 传说 (闻); 发送情报; 笔录; 意见〔报告,判决,申请〕书; 枪炮声; 爆炸〔裂〕声; 名声〔誉〕
scient. ; 告[揭]发 (to); 汇报 (on, to); (of); 报道; 报到 (for, to)
reporting [rɪ'pɔ:tɪŋ] v
gen. 报道
 English thesaurus
report [rɪ'pɔ:t] abbr.
abbr. rpt.
abbr., law rept.
law a formal account of facts or information; An official or formal statement of facts or proceedings; to record the proceedings of a court of law
law, abbr. repl.
mil. rep (MichaelBurov)
mil., abbr. rept; rprt; rpt
Reports n
invest., abbr. Reps
law, abbr. Rep.; Repts.
Report [rɪ'pɔ:t] abbr.
abbr., law Rep. (s, er)
report?functional item
: 1 phrase in 1 subject