English thesaurus |
gen. |
personal computer2; personal computer3 |
abbr. |
position currency (slitely_mad); personal communicator (oVoD); personal conferencing; phase corrector; Pacific Coast Railroad Co.; paper core cable; Polymer Corp.; Process Corp.; programme counter; personal computer; Paper Copy; Per Capita; Planning And Control; Postal Code; Production Company; Professional Corporation; Political Committee; Consolidated Rail Corporation; Piece (e.g., "2pc" means the auction comes with two total units); II PROVIDE COMFORT II; P C Holdings, S. A.; Pacific Crest; Painless Computing; Panama City, Florida; Paper Carrier; Parallel Computing; Partial Conversion; Partial Credit; Pass Certified; Pass The Corona; Passenger Car; Past Caring; Path Control; Patres Conscripti; Patrol Coastal; Paul's Chips; Paying Customer; PCA Electronics; Peace Corps; Peaceful Coexistance; Pearl Cotton; photo credit (ART Vancouver); Penn Charter; Pepper Canyon; PerCent; PerCentage; Perfect Computer; Perfect Corner; Perfect For Child; Perfectly Comfortable; Perfectly Complex; Perfectly Created; Perforated Cranium; Peripheral Clarity; Persecuted Christian; Person Contacted; Personal Call; Personal Cause; Personal Cluster; Personal Confuser; Personal Consultant; Personal Copier; Personally Configured; Personally Corrupt; Personally Crafted; Pervasive Computing; Pet Chihuahua; Phrase Command; Physical Containment; Physically Challenged; Piece Of Crap; Pine Creek; pitch circle; Pitch Class; Plain Courtesy; Planetary Contrast; Plant Corn; Plastic Computer; Platina Cards; Player Character; Player Character see , Role-playing >; Player Characteristic; Player Coach; plug cock; Pocket Computer; Poetic Chap; point of curve; Polar Cycloaddition; police constable; Polite And Courteous; Polyphonic Collection; Pomona College; Poncey Crap; Pony Club; Poor Communication; Poor Connection; Population Connection; Population Council; Pork Chops; Post Card; Post Cibum (after meals); Postal Clerk; Posterior Cervical; Power Compact; Power Converter; Pre Christ; Pre-emphasis Circuits; Precedents Committee; Precious Cargo; Premier Casting; Present Complaint; Presidential Classroom; Presidents Council; Pretentious Crap; Pretty Chancy; Pretty Cheap; Pretty Clever; Pretty Crappy; Pretty Cute; prime costs (Vosoni); Primitive Cell; Prince Charming; Priority Control; Prism Card; Privatization And Cuts; Privileged Character; Privy Council; privy councillor (Vosoni); Privy Counsellor; Proactive Computing; Processor Control; Procurement Command; Product Closure; Production Capability; Production Cup; Profit Choice; Profitability Constraint; Program Camera; Program Council; Programmable Calculator; Programme Committee; Progressive Conservative; Progressive Conservative party (Canada); Prompt Care; Proof Checker; Propylene Carbonate; Protocol Control; Provide Comfort; Providence College; Public Citizen; Punt Center; Purchase Constantly; Pushy Chick; PerCent; PerCentage; plant clearance; precooler; price channel |
abbr., agric. |
post challenge; prime cost |
abbr., anim.husb. |
polyclonal |
abbr., auto. |
peripheral control (ler); photo conductor; polycarbonate fiber; pressure of conveyer (sensor); process control (ler); parts cleaner; prechamber (engine); program control (system) |
abbr., auto.ctrl. |
state controller (регулятор состояния ssn); SC (регулятор состояния ssn) |
abbr., automat. |
plug control |
abbr., avia. |
parts control; phase check; physical characteristics; product conformance; production change; production configuration; prototype configuration; pieces; control pressure; park controller; part codes; parts and components; part number; packing card; part card; passenger cabin; patent committee; patrol car; percent complete; performance chart; periodical calibration; perspective center; pilot's cockpit; pitch computer; plane change; plaster cast; power controllers; power conversion; prearranged coordination; preprocessor control; pressure capsule; pressurized cabin; primary combustion; procedure control; process capability; process certificate; process change; process condition; product commencement; producing capability; producing cost; product certificate; product conformity; production certificate FAA FAA; production code; production costs; profile cutter; program coder; progress control; projection center; proportioning controller; proposed change; propulsion coefficient; protective cover; purchase contract; purchase control |
abbr., avia., med. |
near point of convergence |
abbr., bank. |
processing centre (igisheva) |
abbr., biochem. |
plastocyanin; phosphatidylcholine (Игорь_2006) |
abbr., biotechn. |
Pockels cell (Altuntash) |
abbr., BrE |
Pay Corps; Paymaster-in-Chief; Pharmacy Corps; Police Corps; principal chaplain |
abbr., busin. |
particular charges; pay center; payment center; port charges; port of call; post-card; postal card; post code; preliminary commitment; presumptive clause; Price current; private car; private cargo; producers and consumers; public charter; request for confirmation of delivery |
abbr., cartogr. |
pilotage chart; point of curvature |
abbr., cem. |
plain cement (MichaelBurov); straight cement (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., chem. |
phthalein complexon; pipecoline (methyl piperidine) |
abbr., CNC |
Proportional Controller |
abbr., commer. |
parts catalogue; price catalogue |
abbr., commun. |
print queue; parallel port; Personnel Computer |
abbr., comp. |
print command; print cycle; Windows computer (Artjaazz) |
abbr., construct. |
pedestal crane (serrgio); pre-tensioned concrete (lascar) |
abbr., cosmet. |
personal cosmetics (bigmaxus); Philtral Columns (ННатальЯ) |
abbr., crim.law. |
penal code (igisheva) |
abbr., dat.proc. |
printed circuit |
abbr., earth.sc. |
Panama Canal; paper chromatogram; paper chromatograph; particulate carbon; partition coefficient; Payment Committee; Pearson Curve Method; pelagic clay; percent of correct; Permanent Committee; picture compiler; planning commission; plant cover; plasma chromatograph; plastic concrete; plate count; polarisation curve; porphyroclastic; Post Christ; potential contamination; present crater; prestressing concrete; protection capacity; pumice concrete |
abbr., econ. |
paid cash; planned cost; private contract; production cost; policy content |
abbr., ed. |
performance criteria (sheetikoff) |
abbr., el. |
polycarbonate (substrate); printed circuit; process production control; paging channel; paging control (channel); parametric conversion; parity checking; partial coherence; partially coherent; path controller; peg count; pen computer; perceptual coding; peripheral controller; permeance coefficient; phase-change; phase coherence; phase coherent; phase compensator; phase conjugate (wave); phase correction; photocapacitance; photoconductivity; photocurrent; photon counter; physical-contact (connector); picture cell; picture coding; pilot carrier; plugboard controlled; pocket calculator; point code; point contact; polarity coefficient; polarization controller; Policy Committee; polycrystalline; portable computer; port control; positive contact; power component; power consumption; powerful chip; prebuilt component; preclear; prediction criterion; predictive coding; presentation component; printer controller; priority classification; prism coupler; privacy check; private code; production center; program call; program communication; programming change; protocol capability; protocol controller; protocol conversion; pseudocapacitor; pseudo-code; pulse communication; pulse comparator; processing computer; pin control |
abbr., el., scient. |
Powder Coating |
abbr., electr.eng. |
peaking capacity; phase control; power contactor; pulsating current; pulverized coal |
abbr., file.ext. |
Parametric Cubic; Processor Controller; Program Computer; Punch Card; Text file containing IBM PC specific info |
abbr., fin. |
Pension Committee; performance criterion |
abbr., fishery |
productivity of capital |
abbr., food.serv. |
phosphocreatine |
abbr., genet. |
positive component |
abbr., geol., scient. |
Pacific Coast |
abbr., inet. |
Post A Comment; Pretty Cool |
abbr., IT |
personal communication; Personal Communications; Personal Computing; Program Counter; DOS personal computer disk operating system; parameter checkout; photocell; primary cache; processing complexity; program check; programmable controller; pulse code; pulse controller; punched card; puncher; Plug Compatible |
abbr., lab.eq. |
Packed red blood Cells; Placebo Controlled |
abbr., labor.org. |
process chart (igisheva) |
abbr., law |
protective custody (Taras) |
abbr., logist. |
physical cases (кейсы, ящики, контейнеры kotechek) |
abbr., Makarov. |
phase comparator; programmable control; programming center |
abbr., med. |
After Meals; Packed Cells; Parent Cell; Penile Carcinoma; Peritoneal Cell; Plasma Cells; plasma cell (ННатальЯ); prenylcysteine (ННатальЯ); primary cell (nilb0g); post cibum (после еды Баян); posterior capsule of eye; prior chemotherapy; microprogrammable computer; near point of convergence; palmitoyl carnitine; parent to child; phosphatidyl choline; phosphoryl choline; pneumotaxic center; portal cirrhosis; pulmonary contusion; paramyotonia congenita; PtdCho |
abbr., met. |
pair crossed; pair cross |
abbr., mil. |
Personal Computer; purchasing and contracting; patrol cap (slitely_mad); pilot in command; preliminary coordination; Principals Committee; Political Commitee |
abbr., mil., avia. |
Pacific region |
abbr., mil., WMD |
Project coordinator |
abbr., nautic. |
Period of Charter |
abbr., O&G |
performance contract (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., O&G, casp. |
permit coordinator (Yeldar Azanbayev) |
abbr., O&G, sakh. |
Pressure control; processing center |
abbr., oil |
intercrystalline porosity; Pacific Islands; packed capillary columns; phenylacetonitrile; Paint Creek; parallel completion; percentage; perforated casing; perpendicular canals; Peterson Coil; petroleum carboxylate; phase change; phase cut; phenocryst; photoclinometer log; photoelectric cell; pico-coulomb; pico-curie; pipe center; pipe connection; pitting corrosion; plagioclase; point of contact; poker chipped; polar continental; polycarbosilane; polymer chemistry; port collar; potential corrosively; Precambrian; Precarboniferous; preheating chamber; principle curvature; prismatic coefficient; private communication; process controller; prograding complex; progressive cavity; proposed category; proppant concentration; protoclastic; pump column; purchase card; pyrocatechol; photoclinometer |
abbr., oncol. |
peritoneal carcinomatosis (канцероматоз брюшины doc090); Pancreas Cancer |
abbr., oncol., med. |
Prostate Cancer |
abbr., opt. |
photoconductive |
abbr., PCB |
production capable (Метран) |
abbr., pest.contr. |
gel or paste concentrate |
abbr., pharma. |
product code (Rada0414); Positive control (Положительный контроль Jane86) |
abbr., phys. |
photocathode |
abbr., physiol. |
protein C; ParaCortical hyperplasia; Phone Call; Post Consumption After Meals; Post-Coital; Pulmonary Capillary; Purkinje Cell |
abbr., physiol., med. |
Phone call |
abbr., plast. |
Polycarbonate |
abbr., police |
passion crime (Val_Ships); police chief (Val_Ships); Probable Cause |
abbr., polit. |
politically correct (политкорректный Val_Ships); political correctness (политкорректность Val_Ships); Pitcairn Islands |
abbr., polym. |
polychloroprene; post-chlorinated; potential corrosivity; pressure controller |
abbr., qual.cont. |
parameter check-out |
abbr., radio |
padding condenser; provisional center |
abbr., reg.usg. |
Practising Certificate (нотариус Гонконга Farrukh2012) |
abbr., scient. |
point of collision |
abbr., scottish |
type abbreviation Patrol craft; Patrol Craft (River; R); Patrol Craft, Fast (USA; F); Physical Conditioning; Platoon Commander; Postal & Courier; Pulse Compression |
abbr., securit. |
participation certificates |
abbr., shipb. |
port craft |
abbr., silic. |
photochromic; portland cement |
abbr., sociol. |
political correctness (Andrey Truhachev) |
abbr., space |
pitch control; planar computer; pseudo code |
abbr., sport. |
penalty corner; press centre |
abbr., tech. |
pleasure craft; primary coolant; precast concrete |
abbr., telecom. |
position call |
abbr., textile |
port capacity; port clearance; profit commission; provisory clause; purchase confirmation |
abbr., typogr. |
photostatic copy |
chem. |
potential controller |
energ.ind. |
packing coefficient; particle concentration; particulate control; plasma confinement; pollution control; power circuit; prestressed concrete; primary containment; principal component; product cost; programable controller |
invest. |
participation certificate; petty cash |
meteorol. |
continental polar air; plotting charts; pressure coefficient |
mil. |
pack code; panoramic camera; paralyzing concentration; parts catalog; past commander; patrol carrier; patrol commander; patrol craft; pay clerk; performance code; personnel carrier; plane captain; plane commander; port call; post commander; power control; predictor control; primary center; procurement coordinator; production control; program change; program control; programmed check; project code; project control; project coordination; projector charge; prophylactic center; prototype concept; pseudocode |
mil., abbr. |
positive control |
O&G |
process condensate |
railw. |
passenger, Parlor or chair car |
tech. |
current price; paper chromatography; parity check; parity control; partly cash; pay card; protective coating; perfectly conducting; peripheral controller; personal correction; phase center; photo-cathode; photoconductor; plant computer; plasma chromatography; polar crane; polymer concrete; power center; pressure chamber; prime contractor; private circuit; process computer; process control; process controller; production certificate; professional communication; program console; program coordinator; program costs; project charter; proportional counter; propulsive coefficient; protective clothing; pulse counter |
abbr., el. |
microprogram counter |
abbr. |
prime cost |
abbr. |
parachute; package; per cent; percentage; postcard; price; priced catalogue; prices current |
abbr., astr. |
parsec (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., el. |
prices |
abbr., med. |
PC Posterior chamber of eye |
abbr., mil., air.def. |
picocurie |
agric. |
percent |
astr. |
parsec |
econ. |
payment in cash |
meteorol. |
partly cloudy (Val_Ships) |
O&G |
pseudocritical |
polym. |
piece |
abbr. |
capillary pressure; casing pressure; compaction pressure; critical pressure |
abbr., busin. |
penicillin |
abbr., earth.sc. |
clay particles; phenocrysts; picrites; picrochromite; pre-carboniferous |
abbr., geophys. |
capillary pressure (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., mil. |
cumulative probability of detection |
abbr., tech. |
cumulative probability of destruction |
energ.ind. |
combustor pressure; power input to compressor |
abbr., busin. |
piece |
abbr., commer. |
price |
abbr., earth.sc. |
Precambrian |
abbr., econ. |
percentage |
abbr., earth.sc. |
picocoulomb |
abbr., econ. |
piece (s) |
abbr., med. |
paper-chromatogram |