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stay on messageBetonungen
Allg. говорить одно и то же (To stay on message is to be persistent in getting your point across. When you stay on message you don't allow yourself to be distracted from your purpose. | It is also used in BE to mean following the party or corporate line of thinking- politicians are urged to stay on message. | someone who is on-message says things in public that show they agree with the ideas and decisions of their political party, the government, etc.: be/keep/stay on-message. The Labour leader urged MPs to stay on-message throughout the election campaign. > See also off-message. Cambridge Business English Dictionary Alexander Demidov); не отклоняться от основной мысли (Georgy Moiseenko)
stay on the message
Allg. не растекаться мыслью по древу (Georgy Moiseenko)