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conventional wisdomBetonungen
Allg. расхожее мнение (Alexander Matytsin); народная мудрость (Vanda Voytkevych); общепринятое мнение (Markbusiness); общепринятые суждения; мнение большинства (the view or belief that most people hold • Conventional wisdom has it that riots only ever happen in cities. OALD. conventional/received/traditional wisdom phrase what most people believe to be true The conventional wisdom is that governments should lead rather than simply reflect public opinion. MED. Conventional wisdom is the body of ideas or explanations generally accepted as true by the public or by experts in a field. Such ideas or explanations, though widely held, are unexamined. Unqualified societal discourse preserves the status quo. WK Alexander Demidov); общепринятые взгляды; прописная истина (тж. received wisdom: The conventional wisdom is that marriage makes a relationship more secure, but as the divorce rates show, this is not necessarily true Taras); общепринятое мнение (a widely held belief on which most people act: Conventional wisdom has it that it is impossible to combine successful motherhood with a successful career, but there are many examples which prove this wrong — Большинство людей считает, что невозможно сочетать успешную карьеру и счастливое материнство, но существует множество примеров, которые доказывают обратное Taras); принято думать (Conventional wisdom has it that riots only ever happen in cities — Принято думать, что беспорядки случаются только в крупных городах Taras)
Demograf. общепринятые догмы (econet.ru Oleksandr Spirin)
Werb. обычный здравый смысл; традиционный образ мыслей; общепринятая точка зрения
Wirtsch. расхожее представление (A.Rezvov)
Conventional Wisdom
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Conventional Wisdom
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conventional wisdom
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