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OAP Abk.Betonungen
Игорь Миг пенсионер по возрасту; пенсионер по старости; пенсионер по выслуге лет
Mar. надбавка за возраст судна (overage additional premium Ying)
Sozialleist. пенсионер по старости (old-age pensioner Andrey Truhachev)
 Englisch Thesaurus
OAP Abk.
Abkürz. Old Age Pension; Old Age Premium; Oldtimers Against Progress; On-line Action Plan; One Act Play; Osaka Amenity Park; Outdoor Adventure Program; Office of Aerial Phenomena; Offset Aim Point; old age pension (Vosoni); old-age pensioner; Organizational Assessment Package; observation amphibian plane
Abkürz., Ausbild. Outgoing Active And Positive; Outstanding Award Program
Abkürz., Ausbild., Wissensch. Overseas Academic Program
Abkürz., E.öl. offset acoustic path; offshore arctic production; outlet absolute pressure; overall penetration
Abkürz., el. off-axis parabolic mirror; operator assistant platform; orthogonal array processor
Abkürz., Fin. Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Abkürz., geow. overlapping atomic potential
Abkürz., Logist. Overage Additional Premium
Abkürz., Luftf. optical array probe (bonly); office of aircraft production; oversale auction plan; oil analysis program; office of air programs; office of aerospace research; output audio processor
Abkürz., Med. Ophthalmic Artery Pressure; Over-Anxious Patient; Precocious Osteoarthrosis; Over Anxious Person (Doctor's shorthand. Interex); old-age pension
Abkürz., Mil. Old Age Pensioner; Old Age Pensioners; offset aimpoint
Abkürz., Mil., Luftf. observation amphibious plane
Abkürz., Pharm. oncovin, Ara-C and prednisone
Abkürz., Physiol. OsteoArthroPathy
Abkürz., Recht. Old Age Person
Abkürz., Tech. offset aim point
Abkürz., Verk. Oceanic Automation Program
Abkürz., WWW Online Artist's Project
Mil. offset aiming point; ordinary alterations plan
Physiol., Med. Osteoarthropathy
Tech. off-axis parabola; optical augmentation project
Игорь Миг, Abkürz. old age pensioner (UK)