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смешной Adj.Betonungen
Allg. laughable; ludicrous; ridiculous; funny; amusing; absurd; droll; humorous; merry; risible; boffo; laughsome; buffo; capricious; comical; harlequin; zany; amusive; humoristic; slapstick (с участием физических действий Дмитрий_Р); ribtickler (AlaskaGirl); laugh a minute (Andy); farcical (Азери); comic; silly (silly rhymes-смешные стихи Tanya Gesse); cute (в позитивном смысле – напр., о домашнем животном sankozh); antic; antiquated; antique; apish; jocular; mock; mockable; quizzical; ridicule
Gruzovik queer; odd
Amerik. funsy (colloquial (orig. U.S. Taras)
Jar. rediculous (The correct spelling is ridiculous. Because of the way it's pronounced, sometimes people spell it with an E—rediculous, but that's a misspelling grammarly.com MichaelBurov)
Makarow. hilarious
Mal. grotesque
selt. chuckly; gelastic; farciful
Slang. rich; hot
umg. lolable ([from "LOL" laughing out loud] causing laughter or amusement: laughable Victorian); cheesy (k.vorobyov)
veralt. joculary; ludificatory
смешно Adv.
Allg. it's funny; it's ridiculous; it's silly; funny
смешное Adj.
Allg. laughableness; ludicrousness; mare's-nest; namby-pamby; ridicule; ridiculousness
что-либо смешное Adj.
Allg. comicality
смешно Adv.
Allg. funnily; punnily; punningly; grotesquely; queerly; jocularly; ridiculously; farcically; amusingly; risibly; in a funny way
Gruzovik it makes one laugh; humorously; comically; ludicrously; absurdly
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: 11 Phrasen in 4 Thematiken
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