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Allg. on accident; by occasion; en passant; by chance; incidentally; accidentally
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Allg. initialize
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Adjektiv | Adverb | zu Phrasen
случайный Adj.Betonungen
Allg. accidental; chance; haphazard; aleatory; adventitious; fortuitous; contingent; incident; occasional; stray; random; sporadic; odd; circumstantial (об обстоятельствах); episodic; extemporaneous; facultative; lucky; patchy; precarious; promiscuous; happenstance; hitty-missy; occurrent; intercurrent; pickup; fortuity; episodal; episodial; episodical; extrinsical; helter-skelter; happy-go-lucky (Anglophile); adventive; fluky; hitty missy; serendipitous; accessory; come-and-go (о людях); poky (о занятии); scratchy; purely coincidental (Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental just_green); occurring by chance; unforeseen; fluke (algenserene); scratch; hit-or-miss; hit or miss; casual (Vadim Rouminsky); coincidental; extemporary; pokey (о занятии); incidental (of earnings, expenses, etc.); ad hoc (VLZ_58); designless; emergent; estray; intervenient; intervening; supervenient; anecdotal (Niginaa); chancy; aleatoric (dumb rabies); untargeted (Muslimah)
Gruzovik unexpected
Игорь Миг opportunistic
Autoind. unintentional
Autom. noncyclic (напр., об ошибке); spurious
Bauw. incidental (напр. о повреждении)
el. accident; random (напр. процесс)
Entomol., Makarow. marginal
Fischz. irregular (dimock)
Geschäftsvokab. inadvertent; passing
landwirt. sporadical
Lat. ad hoc (букв.: к случаю)
Makarow. arbitrary (напр., о дозе лекарственного средства); casual (нерегулярный); extempore; hit-and-miss; hit-or-miss; incidental (напр., о распределении видов); incidental (напр., о распределении видов); occasional (о распределении видов); transient; unintentional (напр., о примеси); tramp
Math. aselect (чисто); fortuituos; hit-and-miss; statistically distributed
Med. arbitrary; stochastic; obstetrics (напр. о возникновении или редкой встречаемости видов); occasional (напр. о возникновении или редкой встречаемости вида)
Notar., Lat. adventicius
Psych. external
Psychol. erratic; extrinsic
Schiffb. eventual
Seismol. incidental
selt. chanceable
Slang. lah-di-dah (Interex)
tibet. glo bur
umg. walk-in (Taras)
veralt. chanceful; superadvenient
Wirtsch. randomized; windfall
ökon. stochastic convergence
случайное Adj.
Allg. extrinsicality; extrinsicalness
(что-л.) случайное Adj.
Amerik. sideshow (Taras)
случайно Adv.
Allg. on accident ("On accident" – это не ошибка, можно использовать "on accident" и "by accident".: This mystery began on accident. I met him on accident. youtube.com Yura_N); by occasion; en passant; by chance; incidentally; accidentally; inadvertently; as luck would have it; at haphazard; circumstantially; haply; sporadically; obiter; in a promiscuous manner; haphazard; stumble (на что-либо); as it happens; at large; coincidentally (abc123); unwittingly (Aly19); anecdotally (Игорь_2006); by any chance (alexghost); haphazardly; happy go lucky; at-large; by mistake (Andrew Goff); by haphazard; purely coincidental (just_green); by fluke (Alexey Lebedev); in a promiscuous; in passing; it happened that (They happened to meet that very day = It happened that they met that very day (они случайно/вышло так, что встретились в тот самый день Johnny Bravo); unintentionally (VLZ_58); by accident (Lady_N); accidently (Vadim Rouminsky); through inadvertence (Ремедиос_П); casually; extrinsically; bechance; by the end; eventually; peradventure; at rovers; mistakenly (Andrew Goff); in questions, by any chance; transiently; facultatively; contingently; episodically; coincidently; incidently; promiscuously; by any chance; hit and miss; now and then
Игорь Миг by a fluke
Amerik. by happenstance (Val_Ships)
Amerik., umg. on accident ("By design" is the opposite of "by accident", and both use the preposition "by." Prepositional expressions like this are idiomatic, but "on accident" is simply a mistake, however frequent. vocabulary.com Баян)
Astro. incidental
Geschäftsvokab. on occasion
Lat. casualiter
Lit. Stil fortuitously
Makarow. happy-go-lucky
Math. at random; occasionally; stochastically; randomly
Math., Lat. per accidens
Meteorol. occasional
Ozeanogr. ad hoc
Psychol. circumstantiality
Schott. ablins
umg. promiscuous; happen (e.g. Do you happen to know a good cure for chronic urticaria? – Вы случайно не знаете хорошее средство от хронической крапивницы? Soulbringer)
veralt. happily; percase; adventitiously
veralt., Poet. perchance
Werb. on a chance basis
случайно инициализируемый: 2 Phrasen in 1 Thematik
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