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Allg. appear (due to thawing of snow or ice); melt; thaw out; thaw through; to unthaw
umg. cause to thaw (to a certain depth)
протаивать V.
Allg. appear (due to thawing of snow or ice); melt; thaw out; thaw through; to unthaw; appear as the snow begins to melt; cause to melt
Gruzovik melt through (impf of протаять); unthaw (impf of протаять); thaw through (impf of протаять); thaw out (impf of протаять); appear due to thawing of snow or ice (impf of протаять)
Bohr. thaw
Gruzovik, umg. cause to thaw to a certain depth (impf of протаять)
umg. cause to thaw (to a certain depth)
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