
   Russisch Englisch
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приучать к
 приучать к
Allg. get used to
Makarow. accustom to
 приучаться к
Allg. habituate oneself to
| употреблению
Allg. disposal; use; abuse
comp. utilization
E.öl. usage
Geschäftsvokab. application
| конопли
Allg. hemp
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zu Phrasen
приучать кBetonungen
Allg. get sb. used to (Getting the tots used to the notion of vehicular transport. In my experience, using these transports can be tricky because smaller kids don't understand they're not supposed to stand up and do things while the transport is in motion. (Flickr) flickr.com ART Vancouver)
Makarow. accustom to (чему-либо)
приучаться к
Allg. habituate oneself to
Makarow. accustom to (чему-либо)
приучать к употреблению конопли
: 1 Phrase in 1 Thematik