
   Russisch Englisch
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Allg. offer; seem; make oneself known to; break upon; give a name; come forward
idiom. come way
Math. appear
Theater. perform; play
| в
 hepatitis В surface antigen
Biol. HBsAg
искажнной | форме
Allg. wax cast
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Allg. bring forward; carry before; lay down; put (к делу); show (a document); nominate (for); visualize; realize; appreciate; understand; be (often with собой); present (a person); imagine; deliver; produce; propose; render; represent; send in (экспонат на выставку); set before (факты); elaborate (bookworm); conceive; demonstrate (Notburga); make it look (в каком-либо виде: The opposition is trying to make it look as bad as possible, naturally. ART Vancouver); come up with (Do you think you could come up with some paper this afternoon? Как Вы считаете, Вы сможете представить документ во второй половине дня? ZolVas); make it out to be (в каком-либо виде: His relationship with the First Nations is not as rosy as he's trying to make it out to be. ART Vancouver); display; picture; portray; accord; describe; furnish; hand in; put forward (for); embody (изобразить); believe (Мне трудно представить, что = I find it hard to believe that Alexander Demidov); showcase (в знач. "выставить на всеобщее обозрение": Microsoft will showcase its new Xbox 360 games at the Games11 gaming taking place at the Dubai Mall Ice Rink between 22nd and 24th September. sissoko); set forth (MichaelBurov); introduce; adduce; afford; prefer; recommend (for); subject; put in (документ); package (package the defeat as victory представить поражение как победу (BBC) bix); get in front of (Get your plan or proposal in order, and get it in front of the right people – you'll get a good response now. VLZ_58); show for (HarlemHomeboy)
Gruzovik put forward for (pf of представлять)
Игорь Миг wheel out (новую модель); put something into perspective
Amerik. dress up as (в лучшем виде: the war was a fiasco that the administration tried to dress up as a triumph Val_Ships)
Dipl., Recht. enter
Geschäftsvokab. expedite (Юрий Гомон)
IT unveil
Makarow. acquaint; bow in (кого-либо); introduce to (someone – кому-либо) кого-либо); make an introduction
Math. assume; depict; offer; set out; symbolize
Notar. represent (as an agent represents his principal); submit
Patent. furnish proof; show; constitute; file
Polit. introduce to the media (новоизбранного чиновника и т.п. на пресс-конференции и т.д. denghu)
Produkt. furnish to (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Recht. put in (в суд); turn over (документы и т. п. по требованию следствия: In particular, it was stated in the order, with references to concrete instances, that the applicant had refused to turn over certain bank documents necessary for the investigation, he had brought pressure to bear on witnesses and had tampered with documents. – В частности, в постановлении указывалось, что заявитель отказывался представить определенные банковские документы, необходимые для следствия, он использовал давление на свидетелей, и фальсифицировал документы. refworld.org)
Rel. bring to mind
Sport. figure out
Tech. pose
Theater. perform; act; play
torp. file (документ)
umg. ring in
veralt. fancy
представиться V.
Allg. offer; seem (I seem to hear somebody singing – мне послышалось (показалось), что кто-то поёт); make oneself known to (кому-либо); break upon (кому-либо); give a name (Did he give a name? – Он как-то представился? ART Vancouver); come forward (Acruxia); be; display; picture; portray; submit; accord; arise (of an opportunity); describe; fancy; furnish; hand in; imagine; introduce (to); introduce oneself (to); present; present itself; pretend (to be); put forward (for); recommend (for); represent; say to be (e.g. He said to be a doctor. – Он представился врачом. Soulbringer); identify oneself (baloff); appear (before); burst on; burst upon; be in the way (о случае); seem like; appear to be; make oneself known (кому́-л.)
Gruzovik occur (pf of представляться); appear before (pf of представляться); introduce oneself to (pf of представляться); pretend to be (pf of представляться)
Gruzovik, veralt. die
idiom. come one's way (to come one's way; о возможности Баян)
Makarow. introduce oneself to; make oneself known; seem to; present oneself (возникнуть)
Math. appear
Poliz. claim to be (One of the suspects, Aaron Contreras, knocked on the apartment door of Ethan Rodriguez on Saturday evening and claimed to be a maintenance worker there to check on the filters in his air conditioner, according to doorbell camera footage and an affidavit obtained by Fox Dallas. youtube.com ART Vancouver)
Theater. perform; play
представьте V.
Allg. picture this (bookworm)
idiom. what do you know? (I opened the door and – what do you know? – it was the mailman with your package. Liv Bliss)
umg. let's assume (So, for the discussion, let's assume you have slept with a girl whom you met at a bus stop. 4uzhoj)
представь V.
Allg. cowabunga (TatEsp)
представил V.
Allg. went through (Linera)
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