
   Russisch Englisch
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Allg. right; regular; valid; accurate; true; formal
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правильный Adj.Betonungen
Allg. right (right use of words – правильное употребление слов; to do what is right – делать то, что правильно; he is always right – он всегда прав); regular; valid; accurate; true; formal; legitimate; orderly; sound; truthful; hunky; ortho; right-on; well-becoming; tesseral (о кристаллах); just; well-beseeming (Anglophile); coherent (I. Havkin); hunky dory; incorrupt; well becoming; well formed; regulation; simple (о дроби); veracious; upright (tfennell); consistent (MichaelBurov); strictly accurate; square; straight; proper; rectitudinous (о человеке Vadim Rouminsky); chaste (слог); upstanding (Liv Bliss); right (right use of words – правильное употребление слов); coherent; congruous; conscionable; methodic; methodical; pitched; pure; set; stand-up; straightforward; undeviating (ход вещей, событий); correct one (She didn’t believe the house she’d found could be the correct one. ART Vancouver); boot tree; maxim; principle; procedure; protocol; rule; straightedge; straightener; strickle; faultless (Супру); law; perfect (о форме геометрической фигуры Мирослав9999)
Игорь Миг spot-on
Amerik. right on target (I think their comments were right on target. Val_Ships)
Architek. classical
Bohr. normal
Energiewirts. regular (напр., о геометрической форме)
Fin. good
idiom. right as rain (Your answer is as right as rain Taras)
IT logical
Ital., Mus. giusto
Jagd. brush; tail
Ling. idiomatic (Andrey Truhachev)
Logik., Ling. well-formed
Makarow. actinomorphic; actinomorphous; adequate; incorruptible; moral; prim; pure (о языке, слоге и т.п.)
Mar. judicious
Maschinenb., veralt. regular (о геометрических фигурах)
Math. nice; WF (well-formed); faithful; rectilineal; rectilinear; tame; proper (о дроби и т. п. Vadim Rouminsky)
Med. regular (напр. ритм)
Metall. leveling; squeezer
Patent. right
Phys. regular-shaped
Progr. sensible (ssn); appropriate (ssn)
Psych. paradic
Rob. rational
Schiffb. ordinate
Seismol. proper (о дроби)
selt. rightful
Slang. Hunk; kee-rect; right on right-on; on the beam; kosher; prim and proper (Liv Bliss)
Tech. correct; straightening (о станке); legal; correcting; levelling
Tech., Mil. guide bar; reversing rod; trail handspike; traversing handspike
Textil due
veralt. inerratic; rudder
vulg. spot on
правильнее Adj.
Allg. rather (this is not the result, rather it is the cause – это не результат, а скорее (или вернее) причина); more to the point (Xenia Hell)
Math. it is more properly; it is more correctly
прави́льный Adj.
Gruzovik levelling; correcting
veralt. helm
правильная Adj.
Nano. regular structure
"правильный" Adj.
Slang. do-gooder (someone who always takes the high road SirReal)
пра́вильный Adj.
Gruzovik, Math. rectilineal (characterized by a straight line or lines)
геометрически правильный Adj.
Seismol. regular-shaped
весь такой правильный Adj.
Slang. goody-goody (она вся такая правильная – she's all so goody-goody... TaylorZodi)
 Russisch Thesaurus
правильный Adj.
Inf.Sich. Соответствующий принятым законам, нормативной базе
правильный сход-развал
: 1 Phrase in 1 Thematik