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основные положения
 основное положение
Bauw. guideline
Mil. tenet
 основные положения
Dipl. principal provisions; subject-matter
Geschäftsspr. executive summary
Makarow. bed-rock; framework; philosophy
Mil. foundation; foundations
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Allg. unto
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основные положенияBetonungen
Allg. conceptual issues (Norton); philosophies (ssn); fundamental principles (ABelonogov); basic framework (They established a basic framework of ground rules for discussions. OCD. Most biologists use the same basic framework for classification. CALD. Just how important efficiency considerations appear will depend on how far the reader accepts the basic theoretical framework. Within this basic framework the amount of time allocated to each stage varied considerably. The matrix diagram also provides a basic framework for working out the phases of the site. But it is all within the basic framework of that creature's subtle and physical structure, within the bounds of instinct. This will provide the basic framework for the necessary software re-organisation at a later stage. And that's just about it for the basic framework of the publication. LDOCE Alexander Demidov); theories (Abysslooker)
Gruzovik basics; fundamental tenets
Игорь Миг highlights
ADR takeaways (Ася Кудрявцева)
apoll. guidelines; ground rules
Astro. basic
Dipl. principal provisions (договора и т.п.); subject-matter
Energiewirts. principle
Geschäftsspr. executive summary
gost. main principles (ssn)
Makarow. bed-rock; framework; philosophy
Massenmed. fundamental provisions (bigmaxus)
Mil. foundation; foundations; doctrine (Киселев)
Mil., Luftf. general provisions
Progr. basic concepts (ssn); key points (ssn)
Recht. fundamentals; substantive provisions (uncitral.org Tayafenix); basic language; key messages (Leonid Dzhepko)
Sport. fundamental position
Werb. basic provisions
Wirtsch. principal tenets (напр., теории A.Rezvov)
Wissensch. highlights (в научных публикациях Natalya Rovina)
Wärmetech. principles
основное положение
Allg. principal point (VictorMashkovtsev)
Astro. ground rule
Autom. basic
Bauw. guideline; main provision
E.öl. original position
gymn. normal position
Mar. fundamental
Math. principle
Mil. tenet
Recht. fundamental provision; general provision; basic provision
seer. substantial provision
tibet. gnad
Werb. key point
Основные положения
Allg. main provisions (rechnik)
EU broad lines (Бойко Маринов)
Tech. General (раздел публикации translator911)
основные положения по
: 13 Phrasen in 10 Thematiken
Allgemeine Lexik1
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