
   Russisch Englisch
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Allg. proclaim; promulgate; give to the world
Geschäftsvokab. go public
Makarow. give to the public; make public; release
Math. print
Mil. give publicity; publicize
| заимствованную идею
 заимствованная идея
Werb. second-hand idea
| раньше
Allg. formerly
| е
 Centrе of Main Interests
| автора
Allg. author
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zu Phrasen
опубликовать V.Betonungen
Allg. proclaim; promulgate; give to the world; announce; bring out; make a publication (nerzig); introduce to the public
Gruzovik publish (pf of опубликовывать, публиковать); make public (pf of опубликовывать)
Игорь Миг go to the printer; go public with
Astron. publish
Dipl. give publicity to (и т.п.); make public (что-либо); run
Geschäftsvokab. go public
IT post (в Web)
Makarow. give to the public; make public; release; bring out (книгу и т. п.); give forth; give to the world (книгу, открытие)
Math. print; type
micr. publish (To make a form, view, device or other resource available over a network); post (" To submit an article in a newsgroup or other online conference or forum. The term is derived from the "posting" of a notice on a physical bulletin board.")
Mil. give publicity; publicize
Patent. disclose; placard; publish by affiche
Polygr. set forth
Recht. issue
Wissensch. report (igisheva)
Игорь Миг, sozial. take to (в соцсетях)
опубликовать заимствованную идею раньше
: 1 Phrase in 1 Thematik
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