
   Russisch Englisch
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Allg. dye; tint; assume a certain color; assume a certain colour; paint; colour
| лицо
Allg. integral part
| и
Allg. and
| руки
Allg. fin
| в
 в ...
Mil. Luftf. to ...
чрный | цвет
Allg. colour
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Verb | Verb | zu Phrasen
окрашивать V.Betonungen
Allg. tincture; die; paint; dye; blot; imbue (ткань); bepaint; encolour; vermilion; tinge; colour; stain; hue; impart colour to (6Grimmjow6)
Architek. redden
Autoind. color
Bauw. to stain; shade
Chem. tinct
Lederindust. imbue
Makarow. line (картон); taint
Med. stain (The preparations were stained with haematoxylin and eosin. princess Tatiana); tinc
Metall. dress (напр., литейную форму)
Polym. coat
Tech. pigment; tint
veralt. depaint
окрашиваться V.
Allg. dye; tint; assume a certain color; assume a certain colour; paint; colour; stain; tinge; take; be coloured
Gruzovik be colored (impf of окраситься)
Gruzovik, korr. assume a certain color (impf of окраситься)
Makarow. color; take a dye
окрашивать лицо и руки в
: 1 Phrase in 1 Thematik