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Allg. outrun; distance; be in advance; outstrip; forereach; outdrive
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Allg. outrun; distance; be in advance; outstrip; forereach; outdrive; outfoot; outmarch; outsail (о корабле); walk away; give the dust; give the go by; be in advance of (кого-либо); beat to it; draw ahead of (кого-либо); give the go-by; have the heels of (кого-либо); venture too far; outfly (в полете); make rings round (кого-либо); outdistance; outdo (Damirules); outride; walk away from; beat; overhaul (In just five years 12 EU countries have overhauled Britain. joyand); leave behind (также перен.); take over (машину Кура Иванов); pass (Whenever I tried to pass another car by signalling and moving into the oncoming lane, they would speed up so I couldn't get past them); overtake (попутный транспорт) .: You mustn't follow behind cars, just overtake them 4uzhoj); get ahead of (=вырваться вперед; в прям. и перен. смысле).: So the skunk took a shortcut and got ahead of the boy on his way through the forest 4uzhoj); get ahead (в учении, успехах); outspace (to surpass in speed КГА); outstride; overrun; ride by (кого-л.); shoot a head of; outrank (по популярности или по критериям отбора: Located on the country's scenic west coast, Vancouver inched out as Canada's most liveable city thanks to sky-high scores in the culture and environment subindex, outranked only by Auckland in the top 10. -- который обогнал только Окленд bbc.com ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг have the better of; outshine; edge out; score better; outclass
Amerik. give the dust to (опередить, кого-либо)
Amerik., Makarow. give the dust to (someone – кого-либо)
Eisnbnw. overcome
gleitsch. overfly
Gruzovik, korr. gain upon (pf of обгонять)
idiom. run rings about (kirobite)
Makarow. draw ahead of (someone – кого-либо); beat to; beat someone to it (кого-либо); get the foot of (someone – кого-либо); have the foot of (someone – кого-либо); leave someone at the post (кого-либо); leave behind (оставить позади); make rings around (someone – кого-либо); outdistance (в соревновании, карьере); short-cut (двигаясь коротким путём)
Makarow., Amerik. leave someone in the dust (кого-либо)
Makarow., umg. run rings around
Mar. outsteam; rail beyond
Polit. excel (bigmaxus); leave behind (bigmaxus); outpoll (bigmaxus); surpass (bigmaxus); overtake (bigmaxus)
Slang. make run a round rings; make rings round; make rings around
Sport. lap (To get ahead of (an opponent) in a race by one or more complete circuits of the course, as in running, or by two or more lengths of pool in swimming. vidre)
umg. ring the rounds
umg., Amerik. smoke
übertr. outpace
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Slang. walk away
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: 15 Phrasen in 4 Thematiken
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