
   Russisch Englisch
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Math. be generalized; be extended
Allg. resumptive; encompassing; synthetical
Makarow. omnibus
Ozeanogr. colligative
Polit. catch-all
Progr. umbrella; companion
| или
Tech. ditto
обобщнная | кривая
umg. a person blind in one eye
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Verb | Verb | Adjektiv | zu Phrasen
обобщать V.Betonungen
Allg. conflate (Ремедиос_П); common place; colligate; generalize from facts; make a generalization; summarize (Alexander Matytsin); generalise (Andrew Goff); integrate (Min$draV); recap (Taras); synergize (MichaelBurov); despecify (см. wiktionary.org Phyloneer); combine; unite; unify; abstract; recapitulatory; universalize; extend; synthesise (Johnny Bravo); generalize (Ремедиос_П); extrapolate (на основе единичных или известных фактов: If you travel to Canada and encounter only friendly, kind natives, you might extrapolate that all Canadians are friendly. Logofreak)
Gruzovik combine (impf of обобщить); unite (impf of обобщить); unify (impf of обобщить); generalize (impf of обобщить)
el. synthesize; synthetize
Geschäftsvokab. summarise (Alexander Matytsin)
Hand. sum up
idiom. put under a general umbrella (MacMurphy)
IT abstract out (translated.by owant)
Kartogr. select
Makarow. colligate (факты); make a synthesis; sum
Math. theorize; enlarge; theorise (Andrew Goff); expand; widen
Mil. crystallize; consolidate; crystallise (Andrew Goff)
mißbill. make broad generalizations (Councillor Jean Swanson, who visibly appeared uncomfortable with these comments, urged Nguyen to not make broad generalizations about the building’s future residents. -- призвала не обобщать ART Vancouver)
PM aggregate (определять обобщенную характеристику совокупности (напр., среднее или сумму) PicaPica)
Progr. reduce (ssn)
Sachal. recapitulate
обобщаться V.
Allg. become extended throughout a system; become universal; combine; generalize; unite; unify
Gruzovik become general (impf of обобщиться); become universal (impf of обобщиться); become extended throughout a system (impf of обобщиться)
Math. be generalized; be extended
обобщающий Adj.
Allg. resumptive; encompassing; synthetical (e.g. His work on Latin and his synthetical work on morphology and syntax Maria Klavdieva)
Makarow. omnibus
Ozeanogr. colligative
Progr. umbrella (ssn); companion (ssn)
Wirtsch. roundup (напр., о прогнозе)
Игорь Миг, Polit. catch-all (напр., о термине, понятии)
обобщаемый Prtz.
Stat. generalizable (shergilov); generalisable (Andrew Goff)
обобщая V.
Игорь Миг basically; in a loose sense
обобщающая или
: 2 Phrasen in 2 Thematiken
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