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Sprw. there is no smoke without fire
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Allg. too much smoke not to be a fire (Unicorn); there is no smoke without fire
Игорь Миг nothing comes from nothing
Gruzovik, Sprw. where there's smoke there's fire
idiom. where there's smoke, there's fire (Баян); where there is smoke, must be fire (dms); there's too much smoke not to be fire (Trump and his staff have already shown a great propensity for covering up and there's just too much smoke not to be fire. Unicorn)
Lat. flamma fumo est proxima (acrogamnon)
sprichw. no smoke without fire
Sprw. where there's smoke there's fire (There's always some reason for a rumor.); there is no smoke without fire nothing is stolen without hands (contrast:. make no fire, raise no smoke); there's no smoke without fire; nothing is stolen without hands; there is no effect without a cause; common fame is seldom to blame (masizonenko)
Sprw., kont. if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck (подходит для некоторых ситуаций SirReal)