
   Russisch Englisch
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независимо от
 независимо от
Allg. apart; independently of
Seismol. apart from
 независимый от
Allg. irrespective; separate from; independent of; unaffiliated with; divorced from
Geschäftsvokab. irrespective of
Progr. regardless of
| расовой
Allg. racial
| и
Allg. and
| национальной принадлежности
 национальная принадлежность
Allg. nationality
| происхождения
Allg. origin
| и
Allg. and
| имущественного положения
 имущественное положение
Allg. status
| пола
Allg. breaking
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zu Phrasen
независимо отBetonungen
Allg. apart; independently of (A full-scale Russian invasion would consist of numerous discrete operations, almost every one of which could also be conducted independently of the others to achieve more limited objectives at lesser cost and risk. understandingwar.org Alex_Odeychuk); no matter (zeev); whatever + noun (См. пример в статье "каким бы ни был...". I. Havkin); with and without (with and without money – независимо от наличия денег tahana); with or without (наличия или отсутствия; with and without money – независимо от наличия денег tahana); whether or not (Therefore, whether or not ceding commission was to be included in the underwriting profit depends of the purpose of reinsuring risks, the nature of rights and obligations assumed by an insurer under such treaty and whether or not an insurer remains liable before the insured. • Contractor will promptly correct any portion of the Work that is rejected by Employer (Consultant), whether observed before or after Substantial Completion and whether or not fabricated, installed, or completed. • If the plaintiff's claim be liquidated and proved by an instrument of writing purporting to have been executed by the defendant, or be upon an open account duly verified by affidavit, the justice shall, whether the plaintiff appear or not, render judgment in his favor against the defendant for the amount of such written obligation or sworn account, after deducting all credits indorsed thereon. 4uzhoj); whether ... or (макаров 4uzhoj); regardless of; irrespective; irrespective of; without reference to; whatever (напр., whatever its origin Stas-Soleil); notwithstanding (Lavrov); however (+ Part II независимо от чего-либо however described – независимо от описания Conservator)
Makarow. aside from; whether ... or; apart from
Massenmed. without heed to (Turkey had taken in 2m refugees without heed to nationality or religion. Sergey Kozhevnikov)
Math. independent of; irrespective (ly); without regard to; irrespective of the number of neutrons, isotopes of an element are atoms; the sum is the same regardless of the order of the addition; dominate over, irrespective of the choice of; whatever the shape of the magnet, it has two poles
Progr. without regard for (ssn)
Sachal. despite (SAKHstasia)
Seismol. apart from
Telekomm. independently from (oleg.vigodsky)
Volksm. irregardless of (Получившая широкое распространение контаминация слов "irrespective" и "regardless". Приводится для англо-русского перевода)
независимый от
Allg. irrespective; separate from (dimock); independent of something (чего-то); unaffiliated with (Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Миг divorced from
Geschäftsvokab. irrespective of
Progr. regardless of (ssn)
ökon. independent of
независимо от...
Seismol. without regard to...
независимо от расовой и национальной принадлежности, происхождения и имущественного положения , пола
: 1 Phrase in 1 Thematik