
   Russisch Englisch
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Radio. come quick!
Polygr. Lat. delenda
Allg. everyone; everybody; all
Rel. Lat. Omnibus
Allg. domino!
Slang. that kills it!; that's that!
| е
 Centrе of Main Interests
| жизнь
Allg. practice
| семья
Allg. family
| понукала
Allg. urge on
| е
 Centrе of Main Interests
| стать
veralt. manner
| певицей
Allg. singer
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Pronomen | Abkürzung | zu Phrasen
все Pron.Betonungen
Allg. everyone; everybody; all; every; the whole shooting match (josser); the lot (В.И.Макаров); all men (люди); every bit of; the whole of; all of it (целиком); all of; every bit; be all; the whole crew; everything and anything (Sergei Aprelikov); across-the-board (Yeldar Azanbayev); one and all (everyone: "Good morning to one and all," said Jane as she walked through the outer office. • Let's hope that this turns out to be a wonderful party for one and all. Alexander Demidov); any and all (все подряд, полностью bookworm); any (igisheva); the (перед именами числительными, напр.: the six – все шесть, все шестеро igisheva); all nature; always; etceteras; the whole lot (о людях В.И.Макаров); each (об обсуждаемых предметах OLGA P.)
Amerik. all out-of-doors
australisch., Slang. the whole bang lot
Emot.Ausdr. everybody (MichaelBurov); anybody (MichaelBurov); everyone (MichaelBurov); anyone (MichaelBurov); each (MichaelBurov)
idiom. everyone and their sister (igisheva); everyone and his mother (Natalia D)
Slang. the whole boiling
umg. all the world and his wife; everybody and his cousin (Interex); every man and his dog (gauma); all the world and his dog (igisheva); everybody and his brother (igisheva); everybody and his uncle (igisheva); everybody and his wife (igisheva); everyone and his brother (igisheva); everyone and his uncle (igisheva); everyone and his wife (igisheva); the whole world and his wife (igisheva); everyone and their grandmother (igisheva); everyone and their mother (igisheva)
всё Pron.
весь; всё такое; всё вместе; на этом всё
Allg. everything (Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust. • Thank you for everything you've done for us. • I did everything today – washed the dishes, cut the lawn, did the laundry. • The restaurant serves everything from beer and wine to exotic cocktails. • She wasn't feeling well this morning but now everything is fine. • I lost everything in the crash. • His children are everything to him.); full; whole (I cannot tell you the whole of it – я не могу сказать вам всего); anything (в утвердительных предложениях); the whole; story (linton); all (of); more and more (труднее, тяжелее и т.п.); all the lot; the whole lot; the whole thing (Johnny Bravo); the whole works (everything that you might want or might expect to find in a particular situation: They ordered porridge, kippers, eggs, and bacon – the works • The whole works, rod, reel, tackle box, went overboard – За борт свалилось всё: удилище, катушка, все снасти Taras); things (Don't work with him. I know this kind of guy. He breaks things. – Он всё ломает. Shabe); still (ещё)
Gruzovik always; all the time
Amerik. all outdoors
Gruzovik, umg. only
idiom. all the marbles (Interex)
Ital., Mus. tutto
Poet. be-all
selt. aught (изначально антоним naught, однако в какой-то момент произошла путаница etymonline.com kayvee)
Slang. kit and boodle (caboodle); the whole enchilada (should I buy this or that or the whole enchilada? – что мне купить, это или то, или и то и другое / или всё гамузом? Баян); kit and caboodle (Interex); whole bag of tricks (Interex); whole ball of wax (Interex); the whole nine yards (For you I'll go the whole nine yards. Для тебя я пойду на всё. Interex); whole shebang (Interex)
umg., Gastron. the works (в знач. "все добавки/соусы"; all available condiments and relishes: "What would you like on your hotdog – mustard, ketchup, relish?" "Give me the works." 4uzhoj)
всё! Pron.
Allg. domino!; that's it! (Юрий Гомон)
Brit. that's torn it! (Liv Bliss)
Slang. that kills it!; that's that!
umg. only
всеми Pron.
Allg. universally
"все" Pron.
Ital., Mus. tutti
'всё Pron.
Polygr., Lat. delenda
"все" Pron.
Theater., Ital., Mus. ripieno
все- Pron.
Allg. pan-
"всем" Pron.
Radio. come quick! (сигнал общего вызова)
всем Pron.
Rel., Lat. Omnibus ("to all", Omn.)
 Russisch Thesaurus
ВСЯ Abk.
Abkürz. "Вопросы славянского языкознания"
ВСЮ Abk.
Abkürz., gericht. Высший совет юстиции (Artjaazz)
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: 7 Phrasen in 6 Thematiken