
   Italienisch Englisch
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Recht. Internal rules of procedure
Allg. Regulation
Polit. Rules of Procedure
Recht. by-law
Recht. Polit. draft regulation
Umwelt regulation
| n
Kommunik. receive sequence number; N
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Substantiv | Verb | zu Phrasen
regolamento m
Recht., Polit. draft regulation
Wirtsch. regulation EU (UE)
regolamento V.
Allg. Regulation
Polit. Rules of Procedure
Recht. by-law
Umwelt regulation The act of regulating; a rule or order prescribed for management or government; a regulating principle; a precept. Rule of order prescribed by superior or competent authority relating to action on those under its control
Wirtsch. regulation
Regolamentointernodelle istituzioni od organi comunitari V.
Recht. Internal rules of procedure
Regolamento n. 343: 3 Phrasen in 1 Thematik
Internationales Privatrecht3