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d [di:] Abk.
Abkürz. Draught
d. Abk.
Abkürz., tierh. dam; deviation
D [di:] Abk.
Abkürz., Autoind. diagonal; directive; dividing; door alarm light; drive
Abkürz., Inf.Sich. decipher; deciphering
Abkürz., Metall. drawing
Abkürz., tierh. decimal reduction time
d [di:] Abk.
Allg. 500
Abkürz. date and month; down quark (MichaelBurov); down-quark (MichaelBurov); date; thickness; daughter; day; dead; decimeter; degree; delivered; deuteron; deutron; development; diameter of pin hole; digital; dime; double decker; double draft; Drain; dried; dry; dry basis; ty; inside diameter; disintegration constant
Abkürz., E.öl. diametric; discretionary; dividend
Abkürz., geow. diatoms; dike; diluvial; diopside; disordered; doublet; well diameter
Abkürz., Geschäftsvokab. deferred; demand; demy; denier
Abkürz., Hand. ditto
Abkürz., Med. density; deci-; dextrorotatory; dangerous; decomposition; decreased; desirable; distal; diversity; dyspnea; mean absolute between co-twins
Abkürz., Med., Lat. detur
Abkürz., Mil. surface drift
Abkürz., Telekomm. deci-
Abkürz., Wirtsch. penny
Bergb. denarius
Holz. d со стоящим перед ним числом служит для условного обозначения размеров гвоздей по длине (если число, стоящее перед d (но не превышающее 10), разделить на 4 и к частному прибавить 1/2, то получается длина гвоздей в дюймах, так (например, длина гвоздей 10 d = 3 дюймам))
Kartogr. double
landwirt. deformation; dry cow
spektr. doublet (сокращение, принятое при характеристике спектра ЯМР. В отечественной практике функционирует аналогичное сокращение - "д" (дублет) Min$draV)
Öl&Gas annual production decline rate; decay; deep; depletion; dew point; differential separation; dip; displaced; drainage; exponent drilling exponent; geophone spread; penetration exponent
d. Abk.
Abkürz. danger; dark; darkness; day; dead; deadweight; delete; delivery; delivered; dexter; differential; door; date; daughter; deceased
Abkürz., biblioth. diagram; died; drama
Abkürz., Chem. dextrorotary
Abkürz., geow. decompose; deep; deformation; deluvial; derivation; deuteron; direct; ,d distance; thickness
Abkürz., Hand. deferred; demand; difference; dividend
Abkürz., Wirtsch. dime; drawing; denarius
Bauw. 1. dead load
Bergb. depth; ditch
Lat. Dies ("day")
Med. degree; dorsal
Polym. damping; deci-; derivative; dextrorotatory; dispersion; distance
Versich. Departure; pence; Penny
d- Abk.
Abkürz. deoxy-
Abkürz., Chem. dextro
Abkürz., Med. dextrorotatory
'd Abk.
umg. had; should; would (после I, you, he и т.п.)
d/а Abk.
Abkürz., Geschäftsspr. days after acceptance
δd Abk.
Abkürz., Sport. standard error of a difference
/d Abk.
Abkürz., Med. per day
.dɪ Abk.
Abkürz., umg. subordinate (olga69)
D [di:] Abk.
Abkürz. Dallas; Day; December; Decimal; Degree; Department; Detroit; Duration; Dvd; Duh; census disclosure rule (Vosoni); D-indicator; darcy; dark; darkness; data; day; Deadness; debentures (Vosoni); Decayed; decreasing; Defenseless; Defibrillate; Deka; diameter of centre hole; Dies; Digitalis; Diligent; Dilute; Diopter (lens Strength); Dipshit; Disagree (in surveys Fesenko); Disciple; Disputation; distribution coefficient; doctor; Dominion Resources, Inc., of Virginia; draw (Vosoni); Dreamer; duchess; duke; Dumb; Dunce; Dungeon; Dutch; Dynamite; equivalent diameter; equivalent diameter of the unit; inside diameter of tubing; internal diameter of connecting pipe; PM, Applique (Integrator); riser diameter; tube diameter; Discontinue; Dulcamara; Devonian (period); coefficient of fluid diffusion; declassified; destroyer; disclosure; distantly controlled; Douglas; draft (draught); drawing paper; drizzling rain; drop; Dublin; dump; Durham; electrostatic flux-density; mean draft; moderate dust; degree of curvature
Abkürz., agroch. density
Abkürz., Amerik. Democrat
Abkürz., Autom. depth of cut; double reduction unit
Abkürz., Bergb. dust
Abkürz., Biol. dam; deciduous; descendant; dominant
Abkürz., brit. engl. Dragoons
Abkürz., Chem. dextro; diphenylguanidine
Abkürz., Comp., Netzw., IT Data
Abkürz., Dokument. descriptor
Abkürz., E.öl. Darcy; decline; deliverability; depreciation; diffusion coefficient; dimensionless; daily; dead center; dead weight; deleted; delineation; depressurize; derivative; desk; detectability; detectivity; deviation control; diagram; diamagnetic; diamond; diaspore; diatom; diffusion; digital; dimensional; direct drive; discharge; discount; document; dollar; domain; donor; draft; dual; dynamo; dyne
Abkürz., EBWE questionable value (raf)
Abkürz., el. delay; detector; dialog; digitizer; dimensional; dimerized; directivity; disconnect; dispersion; distortion; dopant; driver; dropout; drop-out; dynatron
Abkürz., el., Wissensch. Digital; Dynamic
Abkürz., elektr. double contact
Abkürz., energ. distribution (MichaelBurov)
Abkürz., Energiewirts. dead centre
Abkürz., fisch. total number of deaths
Abkürz., Geophys. drift
Abkürz., geow. dacite; daphnite; dawsonite; Debye (unit); deca-; decision analysis; deflection; degeneracy; delta; demal; depression; depth of well penetration; desert; detail; dickite; diorite; dissipation; ,d distance; divide; dolerite; donau; dong; downthrow; dunite
Abkürz., Geschäftsvokab. dacron; danger; dawning; deadweight; Dean; debit; debtor; diesel engine; difference; directorate; ditch; dock; down; dozen; driver; dues; duodecimo
Abkürz., Hand. damage; Deutsche; dinar
Abkürz., IT Delete; Digit; Disaster; delete; differential; digit; diode; direct (Bricker); drum
Abkürz., Kartogr. declination; disputed (area); doubtful
Abkürz., Luftf. danger area; drag; departure; drag loading; drift angle; deceleration; decision; decoder; delayed; deliverables; derated; derivation; differentiator; door; Douglas Aircraft Company
Abkürz., Mar., Wissensch. Depth
Abkürz., Med. Absorbed Dose Aspartic Acid; Aspartic Acid; Dermatologist; Dermatology (код больничного отделения Ying); Dermatologic; and C dilatation and curettage; right (opposite of left); diopter; dead (space gas; SUBSCRIPT); Dalton; diffusing (capacity); dihydrouridine (in nucleic acids); vitamin D potency of cod liver oil; dead space; Decimal Day; decree; deficit; dehydroepiandrosteron; Dental Branch; diffusion ability; dispensing patient; dorsal; duration of current flowing; potency of vitamin D
Abkürz., Med., konv. asparatic acid
Abkürz., Med., Lat. dexter; da
Abkürz., Mil. Denied; total drift, data
Abkürz., Mil., Luftf. D-band
Abkürz., Phys. angle of deviation; dielectric flux density; electric flux density; group of 3 Fraunhofer lines in the yellow of solar spectrum
Abkürz., Physiol., Med. Death; Diagnosis; Drug
Abkürz., Poliz. Detective
Abkürz., Polym. depth; design; deuterium; diameter; distance; drawn
Abkürz., Radio. dangerous area (Leonid Dzhepko)
Abkürz., Schott. Civil aircraft marking (Germany); Delta (phonetic alphabet); Durci (Hardened (against EMP) (France)); Time zone 52.5 E - 67.5 E (GMT -4)
Abkürz., Sport. Defense; defeat
Abkürz., Tech. total drift
Abkürz., Verk. Diesel
Abkürz., Versich. Displacement
Abkürz., vulg. dick (She wants the D! urbandictionary.com Shabe)
Abkürz., Wirtsch. time zone D
E.öl., Abkürz. Devonian period; Devonian system
Energiewirts., Abkürz. darcy; data; day; department; deuterium; differential; diffusion coefficient; digit; dimension; distribution coefficient; district; dose; equivalent diameter; equivalent diameter of the unit; inside diameter of tubing; internal diameter of connecting pipe; riser diameter; tube diameter
gen. dense matrix loop (dimock)
Holz., Abkürz. diameter of centre hole
Invest. debenture; defendant; department
Meteorol., Abkürz. danger area (following by identification); dark; darkness; dead; decreasing
Mil. dead airspace; deceased; decoy; defeated; delivery; depot; deputy; deserter; destroy; destroyed; died; dimension; director; display; dispose; district; division; drill; drone; duty
Mil., Med. dose
Tech. coefficient of diffusion; datum; deci; deflection plate; delay; demodulator; demonstration; deviation; dial; dielectric; differential coefficient; diffusing capacity; diffusivity; dilution; discharged; dispatch; dispenser; double line; electric displacement
Öl&Gas derivative term
D. Abk.
Abkürz. Digesta; Divisional Court; Dow; Dowling's Bail Court Reports; deuterium; development; diametric; discharge; dose; dynamo; denier
Abkürz., Bergb. declination; diameter; diopter; director; District Inspector; dollar
Abkürz., biblioth. daily; deputy; dictionary; district; division; duodecimo (12mo); dutch
Abkürz., E.öl. Darcy
Abkürz., geow. density; drawn
Abkürz., Lat. Decimus (a common Roman forename); Depositus ("laid to rest"); Divus ("divine"); Dominus ("Lord"); Dulcis ("dear one")
Abkürz., Metall. F.R.A. Drop Forging Research Association
Abkürz., Qual.Kontr. double
Abkürz., Recht. District Court (federal)
Abkürz., Versich. Dangerous; Diameter of a propeller; Draught; Molded depth
Abkürz., Wirtsch. draft
Holz. rip saws for hardwood and saws for joineries
Invest. department
Recht. defence; defendant; dictum
D- Abk.
Abkürz., geow. dextro-; dextral
Abkürz., Med. prefix indicating that a molecule is sterically analogous to D glyceraldehyde
ΔD Abk.
Abkürz., el. delta modulation
ωD Abk.
Abkürz., el. Debye frequency
Abkürz. chromatic dispersion coefficient
μD Abk.
Abkürz., el. microprocessor debugger
D/А Abk.
Abkürz., Geschäftsspr. days after acceptance
D/- Abk.
Abkürz., Med. daily total in divided doses
D* Abk.
Abkürz., Opt. detectivity
: 3 Phrasen in 1 Thematik