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Forst motor
ladeausr. power plant
Med. Pharma. motor
Stat. el. electric motor; electromotor
Verk. power unit
Verk. Maschinenb. propulsion engine
| dВ’appoint
el. floating
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Substantiv | Adjektiv | zu Phrasen
moteur m
comp. machine
Forst motor
ladeausr. power plant (n.m.); engine (n.m.); motor (n.m.)
Med., Pharma. motor (motoricus)
Metall. driving engine
Stat., el. electric motor; electromotor
Verk. power unit
Verk., Maschinenb. propulsion engine
moteurs m
Patent. engines; motors; motors and engines; motors and engines except for land vehicles (à l'exception des moteurs pour véhicules terrestres)
moteur! m
Allg. action!
moteur Adj.
Umwelt engine A machine in which power is applied to do work by the conversion of various forms of energy into mechanical force and motion
Wirtsch. engine
moteurs Adj.
Fin., Polit. electrical goods: generators, motors, converters rotary or static
moteur dВ’appoint
: 1 Phrase in 1 Thematik