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weatherman ['wεðəmæn, 'wεðər-] Sub.Betonungen
Allg. ведущий прогноза погоды (According to AFP, a weatherman on Russian state television wove comments on Ukraine's political crisis into his weather forecast, warning of a "wind of change" in the country's east. 4uzhoj)
Film ведущий прогноза погоды на ТВ
Meteorol. синоптик
umg. метеоролог
umg., Presse метеослужба (Alexander Demidov)
 Englisch Thesaurus
Weathermen or Weather Underground Organization-American radical left organization originated in 1969 which goal was to create a clandestine revolutionary party for the violent overthrow of the US government Abk.
Abkürz. Weathermen (lop20)
weatherman: 1 Phrase in 1 Thematik