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settle out pressureBetonungen
gasaufb. остаточное давление при отключении компрессора (When a compressor system is tripped during the maximum pressure drop across it, a differential pressure drop develops. This differential pressure equalizes out, if there is no venting taking place anywhere from the system, and arrives at a settle-out pressure. As per API 521, the minimum design pressure of the separator drum/ scrubber should be calculated as 1.05 times the settle-out pressure. This will provide an adequate differential between the operating pressure and set pressure of the pressure relief device for a compressor shutdown contingency. ixtra)
settle-out pressure
Öl&Gas балансовое давление в трубопроводе (MichaelBurov); балансовое давление (MichaelBurov)
Settle out pressure
Sachal. балансовое давление
settle -out pressure
: 2 Phrasen in 1 Thematik
Erdöl und Erdgas2