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commercial fishing vesselBetonungen
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fisch. рыбопромысловое судно (*Коллеги, рыбаки не употребляют слово ship применительно к своим судам, обычно говорят boat или официально vessel*: A provincial court judge has issued a $33,596 fine to a commercial fisherman who pleaded guilty to fishing in a sensitive protected marine area and then selling the illegal catch. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, in a statement Thursday, said Brent Belveal, who owns and operates a commercial halibut fishing vessel called Gypsy Soul, was handed the fine in May. The protected area is considered the largest living example of glass sponge reefs that once flourished millions of years ago, Fisheries and Oceans said. The reefs in the protected area are about 9,000 years old. (cbc.ca) ART Vancouver); рыболовное судно (A provincial court judge has issued a $33,596 fine to a commercial fisherman who pleaded guilty to fishing in a sensitive protected marine area and then selling the illegal catch. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, in a statement Thursday, said Brent Belveal, who owns and operates a commercial halibut fishing vessel called Gypsy Soul, was handed the fine in May. The protected area is considered the largest living example of glass sponge reefs that once flourished millions of years ago, Fisheries and Oceans said. The reefs in the protected area are about 9,000 years old. (cbc.ca) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, fisch. рыбница