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causing bodily harmBetonungen
Allg. причинение тяжких телесных повреждений (Along with this were the ones he charged on me: assault,attemted murder,causing bodily harm as well as rape.Помимо этого я выдвинула против него обвинения в: нападении,попытке убийства,причинении тяжких телесных повреждений,а также в изнасиловании. Rust71)
cause bodily harm
Strafrecht нанести телесные повреждения (Justice Lance Bernard told them murder would mean Ali deliberately caused the girl’s death or meant to cause her bodily harm and knew that this was likely to cause death. Bernard said it would qualify as first-degree if it happened while Ali committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault against the girl. citynews.ca ART Vancouver); причинить вред здоровью (Justice Lance Bernard told them murder would mean Ali deliberately caused the girl’s death or meant to cause her bodily harm and knew that this was likely to cause death. Bernard said it would qualify as first-degree if it happened while Ali committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault against the girl. citynews.ca ART Vancouver)
causing bodily harm: 18 Phrasen in 5 Thematiken
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