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pic [pɪk] Sub.Betonungen
Allg. турецкая мера длины
Amerik., umg. фильм
veralt. мыс
Werb. изображение
PIC [pɪk] Sub.
Allg. ответственный представитель (Ker-online)
Abkürz. пестициды в международной торговле (Pesticides in International Trade вася1191)
Bauw. полимербетон
Comp., Netzw. персональный идентификационный код
el. сжатие видеоданных о неподвижных изображениях; алгоритм PIC (для сжатия видеоданных); формат графических файлов; расширение имени графических файлов
Gruzovik, IT программируемый контроллер прерываний (programmable interrupt controller); формат PIC (picture image compression)
Gruzovik, Polit. Комитет информирования общественности Военного комитета НАТО (Public Information Committee of the Military Committee)
Gruzovik, Wirtsch. Компания благоразумного страхования (Prudential Insurance Company, Ltd.; функционирует с 1948 г.; крупнейшая компания по страхованию жизни; входит в "десятку" ведущих фирм Запада по имущественному страхованию (Великобритания))
IT формат PIC; сжатие неподвижных изображений
IT, umg. расширение файлов в формате Lotus Pie
Luftf. Первый пилот воздушного судна (elena.kazan); КВС (Командир Воздушного Судна; Pilot In Command Emilia M); командир экипажа (pilot in command Seofunny)
Med. информированное согласие пациента (WiseSnake); ИСП (Patient Informed Consent – информированное согласие пациента WiseSnake)
micr. контроллер PIC (A device that functions as an overall manager in an interrupt driven system); общедоступная служба обмена мгновенными сообщениями (A Microsoft license offered on a per-user, per-month subscription price which provides organizations with the capability to connect their existing base of Live Communications Server-enabled users to the top public IM service providers (MSN, AOL, and Yahoo!))
Patent. предварительное обоснованное согласие (A right or principle of "prior and informed consent" (PIC) or sometimes "free, prior informed consent" (FPIC) is referred to or implied in several international instruments, particularly in the environmental field, such as Article 6(4) of the Basel Convention on the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes, 1989, and the CBD. 'More); ПОС (предварительное обоснованное согласие – A right or principle of "prior and informed consent" (PIC) or sometimes "free, prior informed consent" (FPIC) is referred to or implied in several international instruments, particularly in the environmental field, such as Article 6(4) of the Basel Convention on the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes, 1989, and the CBD. 'More)
Pharm. Конвенция по фармацевтическим инспекциям (Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention alienooshka)
Produkt. ответственный (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Sachal. контроллер индикатора давления (pressure indicator controller)
vereint. Роттердамская конвенция о применении процедуры предварительного обоснованного согласия в отношении отдельных опасных химических веществ и пестицидов в международной торговле (Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemical and Pesticides in International Trade Prosto Maria)
Öl&Gas ответственное лицо (MichaelBurov)
pic [pɪk] Sub.
Allg. турецкая мера длины (= 18-28 д.)
biblioth. картина
Slang. фотка (Юрий Гомон)
umg. фото (these pics tell the story – Springfield; тж. кино 'More)
Pic [pɪk] Sub.
Slang. ресторан Пикадилли
PICs [pɪks] Abk.
IWF страны Тихоокеанских островов
PICS [pɪks] Abk.
Energiewirts. Протокол реализации соответствующего элемента (Henadz)
Gruzovik, comp. платформа для отбора интернетного содержания (platform for Internet content selection)
Med. синдром "После интенсивной терапии" (exomen); ПИТ синдром (exomen)
Progr. ЗСРП (ssn); заявка о соответствии реализации протоколу (ssn)
schutz. свидетельство о соответствии реализации протокола (Shmelev Alex)
pics [pɪks] Abk.
Massenmed. кинофильм; кинокартина (жаргон)
 Englisch Thesaurus
PIC [pɪk] Abk.
Abkürz. project information centre (oVoD); Paid In Capital; Pre Ike Credential; Parent Indicator Code; Plastic/Polyethelene Insulated Cable (Telephony); Programmable Interruption Controller (Vosoni); Photo-Interpretation Center; Power Information Center; pressure indication controller; pulse ionization chamber
Abkürz., ABC-Waffen products of incomplete combustion
Abkürz., Ausbild. Private Industry Council
Abkürz., Autoind. peripheral interface; periphery integrated circuit
Abkürz., Buchhalt. Productivity and Innovation Credit (tax allowance scheme (Singapore) Ying)
Abkürz., Börse. Piccadilly Cafeterias, Inc.
Abkürz., comp., IT Peripheral Interface Controller
Abkürz., Comp., Netzw. personal identification code; primary interexchange carrier
Abkürz., dateierw. Macintosh black & white PICT1 or color PICT2 file; Pictor page format; Picture file (and Graphic format, CShow, Alchemy, PC Paint, Pictor Vosoni); Program Interrupt Controller
Abkürz., E.öl. Perforating Investigating Committee; pressure indicator control; person in charge; process interface unit; Perforating Investigation Committee; plastic insulated conductor; polyethylene insulated cable; polyethylene insulated conductor; production interface cartridge; precision interval clock
Abkürz., el. parabolic-index core fiber; parallel-innermost computation; peripheral interface channel; permanent interface controller; phase-inverter circuit; photoimageable cover layer; photoinduced current; photo interpretation console; planar integrated circuit; plastic insulated cable; point in call; port interface card; positive immittance converter; power integrated circuit; process interface control; processor interface controller; program information center; pulsed ionization chamber
Abkürz., el., Wissensch. Programmable Integrated Circuit
Abkürz., el.Tech. plastic-insulated conductor; polyethylene-insulated conductor
Abkürz., Fin. public limited company
Abkürz., Foto. Programme Image Control
Abkürz., gen. polymorphism information content
Abkürz., geow. particle in cell; Petrochemical Industries Co.; Photo Interpretation Center; Planning Inquiry Commission; polymerized ion chloride; primary igneous carbonatite
Abkürz., Geschäftsvokab. Productivity and Innovation Credit (Сингапур Ying); private investment company
Abkürz., gesundh., Med. Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention
Abkürz., Hand. People's Insurance Company
Abkürz., int.Hand. Protection and Indemnity Club
Abkürz., int.Schaltkr. photonic integrated circuit (MichaelBurov)
Abkürz., Invest. personal investment company (Alex_Odeychuk)
Abkürz., IT Physical Interface Card; Presubscribed Interexchange Carrier; personal intelligent communicator; programmable interface controller; programmable interrupt controller
Abkürz., Kernenerg. pressurized ionizing chamber (Iryna_mudra)
Abkürz., Lab.Ausstatt. Pre-Initiation Complex
Abkürz., Luftf. Pilot-in-Command also called a captain (Val_Ships); pilot in command (Val_Ships); pilot-in-command (командир воздушного судна Val_Ships); pilot in command; product improvement change; production and inventory control; parallel input channel; parallel input controller; polyethylene insulated; pressure indicating controller; product identification code; program information code; programmed information center
Abkürz., Marke. Pig Improvement Company
Abkürz., Massenmed. Picture In Case
Abkürz., Med. Pacing In Cardiomyopathy; Punctate inner choroiditis; pre-integration complex (прединтеграционный комплекс Dimpassy); preinitiation complex (harser); Population Investigation Committee
Abkürz., Mil. Person In Charge; parent indicator code; payment in cash; person identification code; press information center (NATO); Public Information Centre; Public Information Committee
Abkürz., Mil., Luftf. Peace Implementation Council
Abkürz., nato. Peace Implementation Council
Abkürz., Opt. photonic integrated circuit
Abkürz., Physiol. Punctate Inner Choroidopathy
Abkürz., Polym. polymer-impregnated concrete
Abkürz., Post Package Identification Code (barcode, USPS pub. 109)
Abkürz., Produkt. person in charge (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Abkürz., Progr., IT Position Independent Code
Abkürz., Recht. Partner In Crime; Prior Informed Consent
Abkürz., Sachal. project inspection coordinator
Abkürz., Sachal.R pressure indicator controller
Abkürz., Schiffb. pressure indicated control
Abkürz., sprengst. plastic igniter cord
Abkürz., Telef. Plastic/Polyethylene Insulated Cable
Abkürz., Toxikol. poison information center (ННатальЯ)
Abkürz., vereint., Biol., sich. prior informed consent
Abkürz., weltraum parallel interference cancellation; payload integration center; priority interrupt control; Processing and Interpretation Center; pyro ignition control; pyro initiator capacitors; pyrotechnic initiator controller
Abkürz., Wirtsch. prior informal consent
Abkürz., Öl&Gas Petrochemical Industries Company (ixtra); person-in-charge
Börse. property index certificate (dimock)
comp., Abkürz. programmable chip
Energiewirts., Abkürz. permanent inventory commission; pressurized ionizing chamber
IT Point in Call (IN)
Luftf., Amerik. A service provided by the FSS to assist pilots in flight planning. Briefing items may include weather information, NOTAMS, military activities, flow control information, and other items as requested.
Meteorol., Abkürz. Pacific
Mil. priority indicator code
Mil., Abkürz. photointerpretation center; preinstallation calibration; preinstallation checkout; procedures for instrument calibration; procurement information center; procurement information for contracts; program identification code; project information center; public information center; purpose identification code
Tech. photographic interpretation center
Tech., Abkürz. pressure-indicating controller; pressurized ion chamber; program interrupt control; programmable integrated control equipment
pic [pɪk] Abk.
Abkürz. picture
Pic [pɪk] Abk.
Abkürz. picotite
Lat. Pictor (the Painter, Живописец Vosoni)
PICS [pɪks] Abk.
Abkürz. Price Indication and Clearing System; Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement; Plug-in Inventory Control System; Protocol Implementation Conformance Statements; Personal Information Collection Statement (source: companies registry electronic search services Elena_Lychagina); production information control system
Abkürz., Ausbild., Wissensch. Partnership In Computational Sciences; Punjab Institute of Computer Science
Abkürz., comp., IT Platform for Internet Content System
Abkürz., Comp., Netzw., IT Platform For Internet Content Selection
Abkürz., dateierw. Platform for Internet Content Selection (W3C); Production Information and Control System
Abkürz., el. personal information communications system; productivity improvement and control system
Abkürz., elektr. Platform for Internet Content Selection Rules
Abkürz., Energiewirts. protocol implementation conformance statement (ssn)
Abkürz., IT Animated PICT files; Internet Content Selection; Platform Internet Content Specification; protocol implementation conformance statement
Abkürz., Luftf. parts inventory and control system; production parts inventory and control system; production inventory and control system; pulsed image converter system
Abkürz., Med. Pacing In Cardiomyopathy Study; Patient Informatics Consult Service; post-intensive care syndrome (ННатальЯ); postinfarction cardiosclerosis (paseal)
Abkürz., Mil., Luftf. production information and control system
Abkürz., Poliz. Post Incident Colleague Supporter
Abkürz., Progr., IT Proposed Internet Cascading Stylesheet
Abkürz., Schott. Photogrammetric Integrated Control System
Abkürz., sich., IT Personal Information Communication Storage
Abkürz., weltraum platform integrated control system
Abkürz., Wissensch. PC Imaging Communications System
Abkürz., WWW Provincial Integrated Communications System
Mil. personnel information communications system; personnel information control system; procurement information control system; production inventory control system
Tech. photo index and cataloging system; picture
: 51 Phrasen in 27 Thematiken
Allgemeine Lexik2
Erdöl und Erdgas1
Jargon Slang1
Pharmazeutik und Pharmakologie1