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Martin ['mɑ:tɪn] Sub.Betonungen
Mil., Luftf. фирма "Мартин"
vor- und. Мартин; Мартин (фамилия и мужское имя; ударение на первом слоге)
Martin ['mɑ:tɪn] Sub.
Eig.name. Мартен
Rel. Мартин I (Pope from 649 to 655. His pontificate occurred during an extensive controversy that had strained relations between the Eastern and Western churches - namely monothelitism); Мартин II (II) (Nonexistent Pope. In the 13th century the papal chancery misread the names of the two popes Marinus as Martin, and as a result of this error Simon de Brie in 1281 assumed the name of Pope Martin IV instead of Martin II); Мартин III (Nonexistent Pope. In the 13th century the papal chancery misread the names of the two popes Marinus as Martin, and as a result of this error Simon de Brie in 1281 assumed the name of Pope Martin IV instead of Martin II); Мартин IV (Pope from 1281 to 1285. Soon after his coronation he began to reverse the policy of his predecessor, Pope Nicholas III, by restoring Charles of Anjou, king of Naples and Sicily, as Roman senator and by favouring his interests in every possible way, even at the expense of union with the Greeks); Мартин V (Pope from 1417 to 1431. He neglected the opportunity offered by councils for church reform, toward which his own efforts were halfhearted and ineffective)
Rus. Мартын (Stormy)
Tech. мартеновский
vor- und. Мартин (имя / фамилия; 100%, ударение на первый слог ABelonogov)
martin ['mɑ:tɪn] Sub.
Allg. городская ласточка; каменный стриж (птица); зимородок (птица)
Biol. ласточка (Hirundinidae); ласточковые (Hirundinidae)
Gruzovik, vogelk. воронок (Delichon urbica)
Zool. городская ласточка (Chelidon urbica)
Martin Co
: 1 Phrase in 1 Thematik