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legal practiceBetonungen
Allg. адвокатское образование (He runs a successful legal practice in Ohio. OCD Alexander Demidov); адвокатское бюро (He runs a legal practice that rivals some of the biggest commercial law firms in the country. CBED. He runs a successful legal practice in Ohio. OCD. small legal practice seeks reliable receptionist / secretary. ОТ. Mary Beth had a busy legal practice in Los Angeles. LDOCE. Gianni Manca is a member of a leading legal practice in Rome, but also runs a legal firm in East Lothian. He was charged with running an unlicensed legal practice. TED. He worked in a small legal practice. СТ. The Practice, a television series about a legal practice. WК Alexander Demidov)
Recht. адвокатская практика; юридическая практика; правовой обычай; судебная процедура; судебный обычай; процессуальное право; юридическая фирма (andrew_egroups)
Legal Practice
: 18 Phrasen in 5 Thematiken
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