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EO Adj.Betonungen
Öl&Gas оператор оборудования (equipment operator fluent)
Eo Adj.
Geol. эоценовый отдел (MichaelBurov); эоценовый возраст (MichaelBurov); эоценовый (MichaelBurov)
EO Abk.
Comp., Netzw. электронное учреждение
Gruzovik, Mil. оптико-электронный (electrooptical)
Gruzovik, Polit. директива президента США, утверждённый Конгрессом и имеющий силу закона (Executive Order); приказ президента США, утверждённый Конгрессом и имеющий силу закона (Executive Order)
Luftf. техническое задание (Engineering Order TurtleInFurs); техническая директива (указание; Engineering Order akha-ru)
Med. этиленоксид (wrsp)
Recht. Организация предпринимателей (EndlessCircle)
Sozialleist. равные возможности (equal opportunities; эвфемизм положительной дискриминации CBET)
EO% Abk.
Med. "эозинофилы" <проф.> (MichaelBurov); относительное % содержание эозинофилов (MichaelBurov)
EO# Abk.
Med. абсолютное содержание эозинофилов (MichaelBurov); EO, абс. (MichaelBurov)
Eo Abk.
Geol. эоцен (MichaelBurov); эоценовая эпоха (MichaelBurov); эоценовое время (MichaelBurov)
eo Abk.
Tech. моторное масло
 Englisch Thesaurus
EO Abk.
Abkürz., Chem. epoxy ethane
Abkürz., E.öl. east offset; edge cliff outcrop; electrical/optical; elementary operation; emergency order; enable output; end of operation; equivalent orifice; error and omission; examining officer; exclusive OR; extra over price
Abkürz., Luftf. engineering operations
Abkürz., weltraum Earth Observing
EO Abk.
Abkürz. Eastern Oregon; Economical Office; Eminent Occultist; Esperanto; Establishing Operation; An Executive Order (is a directive from the President to executive agencies, issued under constitutional or statutory authority. Executive orders are published in the Federal Register and in title 3 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Alex Lilo); end of (fruit_jellies); End Office (Telephony); Engineering Officer; Erasable Optical; Escape Orbit; ethylene oxide; Europe Online (Netzwerk); EUROPEAN OPERATIONS (Juliafranchuk)
Abkürz., Arb.re. Equal Opportunity (Equal Opportunity Survey – Исследование/опрос о предоставлении/обеспечении равных возможностей (например, при трудоустройстве) ilghiz)
Abkürz., Autoind. engine control module output; exhaust opens
Abkürz., brit. engl. education officer; entertainments officer
Abkürz., Chem. equivalent orbital
Abkürz., Comp., Netzw. electronic office
Abkürz., E.öl. engine oil (MichaelBurov); early oil (MichaelBurov)
Abkürz., el. electro-optical; errors and omissions; exclusive OR gate
Abkürz., el., Wissensch. Electro Optic
Abkürz., IT Eight Ones
Abkürz., krypt. Bluetooth
Abkürz., leit. engineering order, engineering change order (Метран)
Abkürz., Luftabw. electro-optical (guidance system)
Abkürz., Luftf. enabling objective; elliptical orbit; engine out
Abkürz., Makarow. electrooptic; electrooptical
Abkürz., Massenmed. End Opening
Abkürz., Med. Early-onset; Eosinophil; Ethylene Oxide; Eyes Open; Skin Dose; Emergency Office
Abkürz., Mil. Electro Optics; Electro- Optical; Engagement Operations; Equal Opportunity; Essential Oil; Excessive Overkill; Extreme Offensive; Electro-Optics; equal opportunity; executive order; eyes only
Abkürz., Physiol., Med. Essential Oils
Abkürz., Polit. Executive Order (issued by Presidents of the United States Val_Ships)
Abkürz., Poliz. Equal Opportunities
Abkürz., Schott. Electro-Optic
Abkürz., Schädl.bek. water in oil emulsion
Abkürz., Sport. Extreme Offense
Abkürz., Zoll. economic operator (chistochel)
Abkürz., Öl&Gas engine oil (MichaelBurov)
comp. end office
Mil. emergency organization; end objective; engineer officer; engineering order; equipment operator; executive officer; explosive ordnance; explosives officer; extended operations
Tech. Earth observation; electric-to-optic; electrically operated; emergency officer; enforcement officer
EO% Abk.
Abkürz., Med. eosinophiles (MichaelBurov); relative eosinophile count (MichaelBurov); relative eosinophile level (MichaelBurov)
EO# Abk.
Abkürz., Med. absolute eosinophile count (MichaelBurov); absolute eosinophile level (MichaelBurov)
Eo Abk.
Abkürz. Eocene (MichaelBurov); Eocene age (MichaelBurov); Eocene time (MichaelBurov); the Eocene (MichaelBurov); earth orbit; Education Officer; mean translational energy of molecule of ideal gas at 0°C
Abkürz., Chem. standard electrode potential
Abkürz., Geol. Eocene division (MichaelBurov)
Abkürz., geow. Young's modulus
Abkürz., Med. eosinophile; eosinophilia
Geol. Eocene Division (MichaelBurov); Eocene Epoch (MichaelBurov)
Tech. electroaffinity; resonance energy
: 81 Phrasen in 21 Thematiken
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